chapter 30

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Time passed sooner than I expected. I managed to figure out a place to sleep and eat, but for that, I had to work, of course, who would let someone sleep at their place for nothing? I stay at a car fixer who needs some parttime help. It's not ideal but it works. I also got a new identity, Lee Know is now my name. 

Everyone must think I am dead, I feel so freaking guilty. You can't imagine. But I can't go back, never. If I go back I'll get killed, or my friends get killed. I rather suffer than them. My heart still aches, ever since that day my heart never stopped aching. Chan must be better right now, he must've found a boy or girlfriend. I mean, I think in his shoes I would've moved on as well. Jeonginnie and Minnie must've graduated by now, would Woojin and Jeongin be dating? 

'Yah, Lee Know, what's the matter?' My boss asks. He's tall with brown hair and he's around his fifties, honestly, when you see the man, you would think he's thirty and I honestly know how that is possible. 'It's nothing, mister Wang.' I smile at him and continue cleaning the car. 'Minho, you've done enough for the day. Why don't you just take the rest of the day off? Well, what's left of it.' He smiles at me. 'No, I am okay sir.' I reply to him and he nods. I honestly don't know if it's a good idea to leave me alone to my thoughts right now, after all, it is a year after I left. 

I think I changed a lot too the past year. After I left Eunha, I learned what love is, but I think now. I really know what love means. What Chan and I had was cute and fun, but it was definitely not loving. I don't believe it was love. Things went quick, at least that's how I think about now. If I could do it over again. I would do it differently. Yet, I don't think Chan and I belong together. I am more outgoing since I am here, I don't really care about what I do. I just have fun. I meet some guys, have a one night stand. I made a few friends too. My boss' son Jackson and his friends Lucas, Jaebum and Bambam they're really nice. They're around here the popular guys and they added me to the group so now I am the cool guy too, I guess.

Instead of the always, nicely dressed Minho. I am now, the leather jacket, smeared with car oil, cool bad guy Lee know. I bet Ji wouldn't recognize me. I traded my chocolate brown hair for a deep black. 'yow, lee. What's up?' Jackson says as he enters his father's garage. 'Min, you clubbing tonight?' Jackson asks me as he leans against the red Rolls Royce I am cleaning. 'Nah, man. I gotta work.' I shrug. 'Is it because of that incident?' Jackson asks me carefully. I nod, 'Yeah' I sigh. 'You have to drink to forget man!' Jackson pats my back. 'I could do that.' I say. 'Dad! We're leaving!' Jackson shouts at his dad on the other side of the garage. 'Have fun! Be safe!' He shouts back and we leave. 

Jackson, Lucas, Jaebum and I enter the club. We order a few drinks and then sit down. 'Not so bad, right?' Jackson smiles. 'Yeah, I guess so.' I smile. 'Oh, is it the day?' Jaebum says looking at me a bit worried. I nod and he pats my back. 'Don't worry. You're gonna be okay!' Lucas exclaims and feeds me a shot. A few later, I was kinda drunk, not really but enough to keep the bad thoughts away. I walk to the bar and want to order another few drinks when I notice a brown curly haired boy. My heart stops when our eyes meet. 'M-Minho. Lee.' He mumbles drunkenly. 

'Chan I whisper back. 

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