⁷ Basketball

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~Chaeyoung's POV~

"Everyone, gather around, we're going to play basketball!" shouts Mrs. Howard, our PE teacher. She blows her whistle.

Everyone slowly walks towards her. PE on Wednesday is always after the break, which makes nobody feel like it anymore.

"Come on guys, that can go quicker," she sighs. "We only have fifty minutes, from which ten are already wasted."

She waits until we're standing in a long row in front of her. "I need two captains, Who volunteers?"

Almost the whole class raises their hand. "Me, me, me!" is being shouted.

Mrs. Howard chooses Harry and Lauren, who step forward with happy grins on their faces.

Mrs. Howard turns her head towards Lauren. "Your team is playing with the orange vests on."

"But they stink!" she exclaims. "Why can't Harry's team get those dirty vests?"

Mrs. Howard puts her hands on her hips. "Do you want me to make someone else captain?"

Lauren angrily grabs a vest from the pile. "If I get a scary disease, I'm gonna sue this school."

Mrs. Howard ignores her comment. "You may take turns choosing a teammate. Harry, you can begin."

"I choose.." Harry pretends to be really deep in his thoughts. "Tony!"

Smirking Tony stands next to him. They give each other a high five.

"What do you mean favoritism?" Jesy says next to me.

Now it's Lauren's turn. Her eyes scan the row of waiting classmates. "Naomi,' she says slowly.

"Yes!" Naomi walks cheering towards Lauren as if she just won the jackpot. What a show-off!

One after the other Harry and Lauren call out a name. I try to pretend I don't care when I'm getting chosen. PE is always the class where the relationships in the class become clear again. Who is part of the group and who isn't.


Surprised I hear Lauren call out my name. I'm the fourth one she chose, how is that possible? We never talk to each other. Has this something to do with my reputation as the most discussed, Instagram liked and tagged student of the week?

I pick up an orange vest from the ground. Lauren smiles at me like we're best friends.

"Isaac," shouts Harry.

A tall boy walks towards the other team.

"Who shall we pick?" whispers Lauren.

"Jesy, choose Jesy," I say. "She can score from the middle line, seriously."

"I would choose Maddie if I were you," Naomi hisses fiercely. "At least you can laugh a little with her."

Huh? And nog with Jesy? I really want to spit the truth in Naomi's face right now.

But then I hear Lauren say: "Jesy!"

I can't help but cast a triumphant glance at Naomi. She glares back, irritated. Sucks to be you then.

Jesy quickly stands next to me. "Thanks," she whispers.

Lightning fast Lauren and Harry choose the rest of their teams until there's only one person left: Shannon Purser.

It's Lauren's turn, but she doesn't look like she's going to call out her name any time soon.

It becomes quiet in the room. Shannon's white T-shirt is tucked in her shorts, which makes her look even fatter than she actually is. She stares at the ground. And we all stare at her.

I know what everyone is thinking: Thank god I'm not Shannon Purser.

Suddenly I think of Jennie. Before she died, she was often the last one left to get chosen. And during the school soccer tournament, she was sitting at the side. Of course, I felt sorry for her, but what was I supposed to do? Jennie even stumbled over her own feet.

"I think it's your turn to pick someone, Lauren," Mrs. Howard says.

"I don't think so," she mumbles.

It becomes even quieter in the room.

"Is it Harry's turn then?" asks Mrs. Howard thoughtfully.

"No," he answers bluntly. "I just chose Alex."

"Then I was right," says Mrs. Howard smiling. Then she turns her head towards Shannon. "You're in Lauren's team. Now we can finally begin."

Can't she see how awful this is for Shannon?

Shannon shuffles towards us. She's got red spots in her neck. I try to smile at her, but she doesn't see it, because she's looking at the ground.

Mrs. Howard blows her whistle. The match has begun.

Within a few seconds, I forget about Shannon. Harry has the ball and throws it towards Isaac. With big strikes, he dribbles to the other side.

"Block that guy!" yells Lauren.

Jesy and Naomi jump in front of Isaac, but he pretends they're not even standing there. He throws the ball and it lands in the net.

Shit, 0-1.

"Nice man!" Harry and Tony yell.

Lauren walks with big steps towards us. "Gather around!" she barks.

"We must prevent Isaac from getting the ball again. Chaeyoung, Jessy, you cover him, alright?"

Mrs. Howard blows her whistle again.

"Let's do it!" shouts Lauren when we've taken our positions again.

I brace myself to run towards Isaac and signal Jesy to do the same with my head.

Lauren waits a few seconds and then throws the ball faster than light towards Naomi.

From the corner of my eye, I see that Isaac-

The sharp whistle from Mrs. Howard interrupts the game.

Everyone remains stiff. Who broke a rule?

"Chaeyoung!" I hear her shout.

Surprised I turn around. The janitor stands next to Mrs. Howard. They're both smiling. Conspiratorial, as if they want to trick me.

"The principal wants to talk to you," she says, so loud everyone can hear her.

I feel the gazes of my classmates burn.

When I hesitate, she says: "Today, young lady."

"Ehh, yes, of course," I say bewildered while walking towards the changing rooms.

What have I done now?

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