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A/N, Thanks for 1k reads! I would love to hear your feedback and any constructive criticism that you may have. Also Bakugo is little more soft here, just because.

Also I have zero ship ideas for Deku in this, anyone have an idea? Or leave him single?


The next morning the students of Class 1-A stood in front of the school, all dressed in casual clothing and a few more tired than others.

"Alright, everyone on" Aizawa ordered and students began piling onto the bus. "You will all be in groups of two, and during this you will be rooming with your partner and be with your partner at all times, except at the hotel" Aizawa said and sat in the driver seat, Mic sitting in the passenger seat. All Might would meet them at the hotel.

"Do you know how long it'll take us, Midoriya?" Kaminari asked the green haired male, "About three and a half hours" Midoriya replied, "Oh thanks" and Denki sat back in his seat.

Midoriya sat with Uraraka next to him and since four seats faced each other, two on each side, his sat across from Kirishima and Bakugo.

Deku then put in his earbuds.


The ride seem to flash by for Izuku and before he knew it, they were there.

Izuku grabbed his suitcase from the overhead bin, like the ones in an airplane, and followed his class into the luxury hotel. "Alright, everyone listen up, I'm listing out partners" Aizawa grabbed everyone's attention.

"Sero and Kaminari"  

"Tsu and Tokoyami"

"Iida and Mineta"

"Yaoyorozu and Jiro"

"Shoji and Sato"

"Aoyama and Ojiro"

"Ashido and Hagukure"

"Kirishima and Todoroki"

"Koda and Uraraka"

"And Bakugo and Midoriya"

Izuku snapped his head up, "Wait, what?" Uraraka asked. "That's final" Aizawa left no room for talk. They then left to go to their rooms. "We're on the forth floor" Katsuki handed Izuku his key, "Thanks".

The two boys walked into the elevator with Uraraka and Todoroki. Katsumi pressed the button for the forth floor and they rode in silence.


The room was large and in the middle of it was two bed, both with crimson bed sheets. Izuku placed his suitcase on the one farthest from the door and then laid on the bed.

"This is soft" Izuku noted and Katsuki hummed in agreement, the other male laying on his own bed.


Hours later, the boys came down for dinner that they hotel served and the food was Mexican food.  [I'm hungry]

The hotel was large, having a pool, a sauna, there was a place that eat breakfast and dinner at. There was a place to wash clothing at, by you pay for that, soap and all.

"Hey guys" Denki ushered Bakugo and Izuku over to the table that that had him, Uraraka, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Mina.

"Hey! Your attention over here!" Aizawa stood with Mic and All Might and everyone turned towards him.

"Tommorow, we are going to Theme Park, paid all by the school. We're leaving as a group at nine in the morning. All the teachers rooms have been texted in the group chat" Aizawa  said and then everyone went back to eating.


Later that night, Izuku and Bakugo both sat in their rooms, and Bakugo stood, "I'm going to be in the shower" the blonde said, "Alright" Izuku said back.

Izuku held a book in his hands, and he read as Bakugo took a shower, barley even noticing Bakugo coming back into the room, towel wrapped around his waist, stomach showing.

Izuku's eyes flickered upward, and upon seeing Katsuki's stomach, immediately went back to his book, wishing he was the same as Katsuki.

611 Words
Published, 07/04/2019

Happy Fourth of July! Man, It's been hot here in Texas.

If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. But, please comment them, my DMs don't work, sorry.

This questions can be about me if you want.

(So scared to suggest all of this)

Bye! 🤪

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