V. Reunion

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''So they set you up with an asshole?'' Mr. Harrison asked. For the past fifteen minutes of walking with her History teacher, Blair told him everything about her double date that ended up like catastrophe.

''Wow, that's a bad word.'' She pointed out, it felt weird to hear her teacher curse in front of her. Mr. Harrison showed her his perfect set of white teeth as he laughed at her comment.

''We aren't in school currently, Trouble.'' Blair smirked at nickname that stuck with him. She liked it, it felt like she was special in some sort of way.

''You keep calling me trouble, but it is actually you who are trouble here.'' Blair said. They suddenly stopped walking and stood next to a motorbike. Blair looked down at bike and smiled. She totally could imagine Mr. Harrison driving a motorcycle as old fashioned as this one. 

''What are you smiling about?'' He asked, pulling his leather jacket on. Oh yeah, that's it.

''It suits you.'' Blair nodded towards him and his motorcycle. Mr. Harrison looked down at himself than at his bike and grinned as a child. ''I'm not even surprised.''

''You need a ride back to Forks?'' He asked, sitting on his bike. Blair couldn't help herself and mentally droll over the sight, but she pulled herself together reminding that's her teacher.

''Um...'' Blair didn't know what to say, Luke is supposed to be driving her home but then again does she really want to ride back home with Olivia? Blair bit on her lower lips as she smirked ''You know what, why the hell not.''

''I usually don't wear helmet, and I don't just give free rides to people so I don't have a spare.'' Mr. Harrison said, as he nodded with his head for Blair to climb on. Listening to his orders Blair sat behind him, wrapping her arms around his board chest.

''Really? Not even to your girlfriend?'' Blair asked. She heard Mr. Harrison laughing again, and felt his chest shaking.

''Is this your way of asking me do I have a girlfriend?'' Mr. Harrison turned his head back, looking at Blair from the corner of his eye. His hair was pulled in tiny ponytail at the back of his head, kinda exposing his somewhat perfect face to the world.

''What?! No, I was just interested why wouldn't you give your girlfriend a ride?'' Blair lied.

''Maybe she's afraid?'' Mr. Harrison answered with smug face expression. Blair's eyes narrowed at him as she pressed herself closer to him, feeling incredible heat coming from his body.

''Sucks for her then.''

As they were getting closer to Forks, sky darkened and thunders that were louder than motorcycle's engine were heard. Soon enough heavy rain started falling down and Mr. Harrison slowed down a bit.

For the whole ride he has been going fast earning Blair's adrenaline screams of excitement. Her hair was flying around everywhere as they drove fast on highway to Forks. Blair wasn't an adrenaline junkie, she just liked living on the edge, it somehow makes her feel invincible. She used to date Jasper, after all.

As the rain thickened, Mr. Harrison cursed silently and stopped in front of the house Blair has never seen before. He told her to get off, obeying him she did with him following. Looking at each other, they were both wet to the bone. Blair looked down his body and noticed his tight shirt got even tighter as it stuck on his hard chest and abdominal abs.

''Come inside, it is too dangerous to drive in this weather.'' Mr. Harrison said loudly over the sound of rain and thunder. Blair nodded, following him inside.

Once they were both inside of his house, Mr. Harrison closed the doors after her and they both took off their wet shoes.

''I'll get you a towel.'' Mr. Harrison said and ran somewhere-probably bathroom in search for clean towels. Blair being Blair, she started looking around the small house smiling at few pictures that were on the wall. It looks like they were taken around Mr. Harrison's college days some even way before. 

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