X. He's Back

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''Well, well, well.'' Female voice ranged through school's cafeteria making few students to turn around and face the brown haired girl who just came through the door ''If it isn't our run-away bride, Jasper fucking Hale.''

The moment Blair's eyes landed on the fifth member of Cullen family, she couldn't help herself but to make a scene. She immediately took a seat in the between Alice and Edward, that's right across Jasper's. 

How convenient.

''Hello Blair.'' Alice greeted human girl with sweet smile. Blair's eyes never left Jasper's, but she nodded.

''How's it going Alice, everybody?'' She asked not searching for an answer. Edward smirked at her reading her thoughts. It was clear as day to everyone she was pissed at Jasper for ditching her, but Edward was experiencing her anger on a whole another level. 

''This should be interesting.'' Emmett said, rubbing his hands together and eyeing Jasper, then Blair, then Jasper again. Rosalie was the only one with not amused look on her face as she couldn't care less about Jasper and his wannabe girlfriend, after all Blair already knows their secret.

As for Jasper, if he could sweat he would be wet as a rat now. His usually straight posture straighten up even more when his eyes made contact with Blair's. He bit his tongue out of discomfort he was feeling under her gaze. Jasper knew he would eventually had to talk with Blair, but he never imagined her to come to him. 

''Blair-'' He started but female's sharp voice immediately shut him up.

''No, Jasper you're gonna listen to me for a second.'' She said, making Emmett's palm fly to his mouth to hide enormous grin.

''We've been friends for what- a month now? You know me better than most people in this school, maybe even better than Luke. And yet, you still thought I can't keep a secret? Or even worse! You thought I'd be scared of you! You, Jasper! The sweetest man alive- or dead, I'm still kinda confused about it.'' Blair wanted to scream at him so bad to express her feelings and show him how much she cares, but she whispered knowing she's in public place.

''Only way I could protect you from myself was not to reveal who am I.'' Jasper whispered back, slightly leaning over the table. ''I'm killer Blair, someone you can't trust. You can't control me, I almost killed you.''   

''But you didn't.'' Blair said back to him a bit louder.

''But I could, I still can.'' Jasper shared a look with Rosalie and they nodded at each other ''You can't talk to us anymore.''

''Excuse me?''

''Jasper, what are you talking about?'' Alice questioned her brother, clearly she hasn't been told about any of this.

''Blair can no longer have contact with any of us. Not me, nor you Alice or anyone else. It was already too dangerous for her to get involved with us when she had no idea of what we are. Now it's dangerous for both her and us.'' Jasper said while making no contact with Blair who was pleading him with her look to change his decision.

''Jasper-'' Blair started but she was cut off by Jasper's glare. 

''It's done.'' He said making Blair's anger to bubble inside of her. She stood up while still glaring at the golden haired boy who was just sitting in his seat looking back at her with painful look.  

''It's done? It hasn't even started!''

''You should leave Blair.'' Jasper said making all his sibling to look at him. Alice and Edward both had the same face filled with sorrow for the human girl.

''No Jasper, you can't do that. You can't just randomly, out of nowhere start talking with me and befriending me. You can't just make me feel all sorts of things for you just to play with them. I'm not a toy. And I don't know about you, but I have feelings.'' Blair said while standing and starring down at Jasper. Her clear blue eyes were filled with tears she refused to let out. 

Sweet Creature - j.h.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin