XI. Sick

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''This is such a bullshit! I can't believe you've done that!'' 

''Jesus Luke, keep it down! I swear my neighbours can hear you.'' 

''No! You did this on purpose! I swear Blair you are such a bitch.'' Luke yelled through the phone. 

''What? Me?''

''Yes, you!'' Luke yelled back ''After two whole weeks I come to school to confront you about all this shit I heard from Ty about you and Mr. Popular. And you do what? Not come to school. Your're such a coward, Hargreeves.''

''It's not my fault I'm sick, Luke!'' Blair yelled at her phone causing her to start coughing. 

''Oh please, even that cough is fake as hell.'' She heard Luke say.

''It's-'' She said in the middle of coughing fit ''It's not fake!''

''I swear to almighty Jesus Christ and all his Apostles you planned this.'' Blair rolled her eyes a millionth time since she answered Luke's call. She could feel her fever coming back.

''If you want to talk to me in real life, come at my place.''

''Hell no! What if I caught you and your boyfriend-''

''Luke!'' Blair warned ''Jasper's not even here.''

''Uh-huh, and I'm Gandhi.'' Blair roled her eyes again and mumbled silent 'yeah right'. 

There was small, awkward silence between them and Blair could not hear anything from Luke but noises from the background. Her eyebrows narrowed when she recognised the 'Hey there Delilah' playing silently from his side of the phone call.

''Where even are you?'' Blair asked wondering why is he listening to that.

''Mom's flower shop.'' He answered, taking a deep breath ''It's like I didn't have a concussion at all.''

''Oh poor you.'' Blair whined making a face. She heard silent bell from where Luke is and shuffling. 

''Shit, mom's here. Gotta go.'' Luke said and ended the call.

''Bye to you too, idiot.'' Blair said to herself and put her phone on top of the coffee table and laid back on the sofa covering herself with the blanket.

☆ ☆ ☆

Blair never realised she fell asleep after her conversation with Luke. But she was woken up because of the front-door bell and Rolf barking at the door. Glancing at the wall clock she knew it is still too early for her mother to come back home, and she didn't expect visitors.

Groaning, Blair got up and wrapped her blanked around herself so only her face was visible. Walking into the hallway towards the door, she lightly pushed Rolf with her knee and unlocked the door. When she opened them, her confused and tired look turned into sweet smile.

''Jasper.'' She smiled and went to hug the male who was standing in front of her front-door, but Rolf interrupted her by barking and jumping around. 

''Jesus Rolf, calm down would you?'' She said, trying to pull him back by his collar. ''I'm sorry, he is always like this.''

Jasper still didn't say anything, he came in and closed the door behind him. Once Jasper was in Blair's house he glanced at the big dog she was battling with. All of sudden, Rolf stopped jumping around and he sat down.

''What the f-''

''How are you feeling?'' Jasper asked Blair. She immediately glanced at the blond and sent him tired smile.

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