VII. Jasper Hale

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Blair was sitting on her porch waiting for a certain boy with golden hair and eyes. Yesterday when she came home, since she blow dried her hair and until she fell asleep all she could think about was Jasper Hale. But even then, in her dream he was present standing so stiff as always looking down at her with his beautiful golden eyes.

This morning when she woke up, Blair wanted to look different, to look better than usual. She never cared of what male population thinks of her, but all that was before she met Jasper Hale. Blair took ten minutes longer in bathroom trying to make her face look more desirable, but all in vain as she was not as skilled with make-up as other girls. 

After she whipped the paint from her face, Blair decided a simple high pony-tail would make a lot difference. Dressing as usual, she greeted Rolf with little kiss on his forehead and finally walked outside. 

As she was sitting there waiting for Jasper to arrive, her earphones were set in her ears blasting all too familiar sounds. Music was one of the most important things in her life, after family and friends of course. 

She connected with so many amazing people through music and it always made her feel like there's hope for anybody who feels like they don't fit in this world. As Blair started wondering what kind of music Jasper listens, black car pulled in her driveway. It's window went down, revealing beautiful boy with golden hair and eyes.

''Morning, Ma'am.'' He said as he got out of his car to greet Blair who skipped towards him and open the passenger door for her.

''Oh why thank you, kind Sir.'' She said and messed with his blonde hair, making him smile. Blair sat in passenger seat and Jasper closed her door and went back to his side, driving towards school.

''So what are you listening to?'' Jasper asked, even if he already knew. Blair smiled big smile as she cleared her throat and started singing.

''Buddy, you're a young man, hard man

Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday
You got blood on your face, you big disgrace

Waving your banner all over the place...'' She sang to the beat while making hand gestures and with leg tapping the floor in beat. Jasper's eyes softened at her as she was still nodding her head to the beat of drums that he could clearly hear.

☆ ☆ ☆

''We're a bit early.'' Jasper said as they entered school's parking lot. Blair looked outside the car window to school's entrance. They were about fifteen minutes early before first bell but there was already a lot of people on school grounds. 

From the distance, Blair could easily recognise Luke having a conversation with the rest of his, now also her's friends. Blair wondered what would they have to say if they saw Jasper and her leaving the same car. Smiling at the thought and rolling her eyes, Blair looked at Forks' dark sky.

''It's alright.'' She said and turned her head towards Jasper who was already looking at her. Blair sent him small smile, Jasper smiled back at her not being sure what to do. For some reason his instincts were telling him to lean in and kiss her, but the voice of reason inside of his head was saying how it's too late for anything, they only started having a conversation yesterday.

With one nod, they both silently agreed to get out of the car. At the same time, both of their's doors opened and they got out closing them behind. Jasper, being a bit faster than her waited for her to caught up with him so they can walk to school together.

Looking around, Blair noticed few if not all eyes were on them, more importantly on her. They all were wondering why the hell the new girl was in the same car as Jasper Hale, weird, good-looking boy from junior year that was supposed to be unreachable. 

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