V. Assumptions

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Blair left the school grounds and was walking towards the big forest that laid just few meters away from school. Without turning back, she entered the forest and suddenly was surrounded with all kinds of trees. Walking straight ahead some more, Blair finally decided to stop or else she would get lost.

Sitting down on one of the fallen trees, she took one big breath and relaxed. Blair was never the one who just ditched her classes, especially so early as she just moved here. While sitting there all alone, she finally got some time to think about some things.

Firstly, her thoughts were constantly filled with boy with whom she never had a conversation before. Not only that, but him and the rest of his siblings were far more suspicious to Blair. 

They only talked among each other which was fine, not everybody was as social as some people. But then, they are so popular among other students and Blair could not find the solution why. 

Yes they are beautiful, maybe a bit too much beautiful. In fact none of them looked like high school student. Where are pimples, acne scars or any traces of stress that shows on every other young adult. Their physique was far too perfect for seventeen year old children. Do they go to gym everyday? 

Shaking her thoughts away, Blair reached in her bag to find a box of cigarettes. Finding the blue package, she opened it and took one out, placing it in between her lips. 

But before she light it up, Blair stopped in her tracks thinking of her mother and how mad she would be if she knew Blair smoked a cigarette in the middle of a forest, alone.

Not wanting to cause a forest fire, she put her lighter away taking the cigarette out of her mouth placing it behind her ear. Blair reached into her bag once again, this time taking out a book.

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After spending almost two hours there, Blair decided it was time to go back to civilisation. Her school day was nearing its end and in any case her mother shows up in front of school to pick Blair up, she wanted to be there. 

Theresa was never a strict mother, most of the time she let Blair do whatever she wanted with warning that everything she did, it was her own responsibility, and if she ends up locked up somewhere her mother won't come running to the rescue. 

She would leave her there whole night so she learns a lesson. Theresa doesn't care if her daughter ditches, as long as it doesn't affect her studies.

Finally leaving the forest behind, Blair noticed her school colleagues exiting the building. She didn't want to face any of her new friends in case some of them noticed her absence, she wasn't in mood for explaining.

Once Luke, Eric and Mike drove away with Tyler in his van, that's when Blair finally decided to walk across the parking lot so she could continue her walk home, as she noticed no sight of her mother.

Feeling a little goofy how she's hiding from her friends, Blair smiled at the ground while shaking her head. Once she picked up her gaze, it fell on three figures that were exiting the school building together, talking to each other silently.

Edward and his sibling Alice talked to each other with smile on their faces about something that Blair was not able to hear, while their other sibling Jasper was walking seriously beside them, not saying a word. As he listened to his siblings talk, Jasper was looking straight ahead. 

When his golden eyes met with Blair's blue ones. His already prim posture got even more stiff as Blair was getting closer.

As their paths collided, Blair and Jasper were still looking at each other like they were the only people on that parking lot. Edward and Alice's conversation died out as both of them eyed the new girl.

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