Chapter 13 the last chapter

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XD the wedding..... it's not that good of a wedding because I suck.... so I hope you like it anyway. I wanted to get to the sad stuff so I skipped the wedding to the present opening.

The wedding went great. Half of both kingdoms showed up. (That's a lot of people) when the priest said "you may now kiss the... husband"  Nightmare jumped on Cross causing them to fall over. Dream giggled at them before starting a make out session with Killer. Everyone was smirking and laughing. The Queen had to pry Dream off Killer so they could do cake.

And now there doing presents. Nightmare opened up a really big box it had 1 flower in it. The Queen laughed then gave him the actual present which was a dog.

Dream and Killer got a cat. Cross and Nightmare got the dog. But they all got a present from the king which was there Crowns.

"Now you guys need to decide who will rule which kingdom." The king informed

"Me and Night will rule my Kingdom and they can rule this one" Cross looked at Dream and Killer for approval which they nodded to

"Well that answers that"

Killer walked over to the present table there was a book
Killer picked the book up "Cross this one is for both of us!"

Cross came to Killer "a book?"

"Yep want me to read it?"

"Go a head"

Killer opened the book. And began to read

"To my sons...." (when he's reading its going to italics) Killer looked at Cross "from mom? But I thought-"

"No it's her hand writing... keep reading"

"I know you you think this is a prank but it is indeed me."
Killer flipped the page "maybe we should sit down?"

Cross nodded and they sat at a table that was empty since everyone has already left. Killer kept reading

"The truth behind me and your father leaving was originally a vacation like we said but... your father started to tell me how much he didn't love you guys. I couldn't handle it and killed us both. But before I died I casted a spell to keep me alive till you two my baby boys found the love of your life's. I went in hiding and began to watch over you two. I saw everything. Killer when you got lost in the forest trying to find us I wish I could have told you what happened. Cross every night you cried yourself to sleep I wish I was there to comfort you" Killer started crying but took a deep breath and continued.

"I wish I could have told both of you that it was your fault when you slammed yourself. I'm sorry very sorry.
I watch Cross birthday a month after I left and I sung along. I did the same for Killers birthday. I got you guys presents too there in the back of this book some of the pages are hollowed out. I missed you guys a lot.

Cross don't think I didn't see the jealousy on your face when Killer got that dog for his birthday. Killer same for you when Cross got the title king to be. Those times made me laugh.

I want you guys to know I don't blame you guys for not going to your father's funeral... but I'm happy you went to mine. Your father did love you he just had an odd way.... that's a lie he didn't. But I love you guy's that's why I'd did what I did.

Cross I'm glad you offered for Nightmare to stay with you guys... it was a very nice thing to do. I know why he's hiding his identity from you and to be honest I would have done the same. Killer I'm glad you kept Nightmare secret"

"Guys what's wrong" Dream asked

"Just.... Killers reading... a gift from our M-Mother" Cross said trying not to cry.

"Oh well I'll leave you to it" Dream smiled

"God I love him" Killer smiled through his tears

"Keep reading"

"Cross I saw what happened between you and Nightmare when he played a song.... and I'm glad you remember some stuff even though I'm not sure what you remember." There were spots on the page that looked like they were from tears.

"I wish. I could have been there with you guys I'm so sorry... if only I kept my cool around your father then I could give you guys one last hug. Maybe I could even meet Nightmare in person

I saw you reacted to Dream Killer I know you like him check you two were holding hands with out noticing. It was adorable. I wish I got pictures! Cross you might get mad when you find out who Nightmare really is.

Yep Cross you got mad I can predict the future now. :) love you guys.

Cross you finally confessed your feelings!!! Killer you too I'm so proud! And happy! Yet sad because that means it's time for me to go...... I'm going to release the spell keeping me alive... I'll dust but I know for a fact that my right hand maid Lilly will put my dust in a bottle and put it with your birthday present. I'll miss you guys... good by my Sons......"

Killer flipped the page and there was in fact a glass bottle with dust in it along with two necklaces. One had a K on it and the other had a C both letters were carved onto a peace of wood shaped like a hart and on the back there was a note. They both read.

"I'll always be with you if not fiscally then in spirit
               ~ Love Mom~        "

Cross put his on and so did Killer they both smiled tears staining there cheek bones. Killer held the book in hand and Cross the bottle. They stood up and walked over to the Love of there life's.

~The End~

Second book? Yes or no?

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