Chapter 3

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Brick lead Scott and B through the woods.

'Do you know where we're going?' Scott asked Brick.

Brick shook his head as he carried on walking ahead of the other two. Scott made sure there was a little space between Brick and him and B so he could whisper something.

'We should just ditch him and go back to the others.' Scott whispered in B's ear, but B didn't respond.

'Did you hear me?' He asked.

Still no response.

Scott gave up talking to B, clearly the big guy wasn't going to reply.

'What's this?' Brick asked, stepping outside of the trees and into a clearing. Scott rolled his eyes, but he hurried ahead slightly to catch up with him.

Scott looked up and he saw three small buildings. Two of them were small and looked similar, the other one was slightly bigger and seems to be in a slightly better condition.

'Wow.' Brick said, walking towards the bigger building. 'Guess we should start here.'

B started following Brick, and all three of them walked inside the cabin. 'Holy shit!' Scott screamed. Three rotten corpses were lying in front of them. The bodies were completely maimed.

Brick stepped back. 'Let's just look around them.'

B nodded as he walked into the kitchen. Jumping back he motioned for Scott to follow him. Scott did, and he screamed when he saw two more bodies on the ground. For some reason these bodies seemed to be in a slightly better condition then the other three, Scott noticed they looked slightly more humane.

Brick came over and jumped the same way B had.

'Let's look around the other buildings.' Brick said, and him and B made their way to the door.

'I'll stay here.' Scott told them.

The other two nodded and headed for each cabin.


Cameron, Lightning and Mike had armed themselves with sharp sticks and rocks. Someone had just murdered Sam, and the three of them were terrified. They walked back to back along the beach, trying to find something. They had been walking for awhile when Cameron pointed something out.

'Look!' He yelled.

Lightning and Mike turned around to see some sort of blown-up dock. The three dashed over and they looked around.

'Let's look around.' Mike said.

Lightning nodded as he looked around the dock, he couldn't find anything too strange and he went a bit further. He saw this small building with a sign called 'Fishing Shack' on it. He looked around and quickly went into it, if there was some sort of weapon, he would want it. He was surprised when he entered, and he couldn't find any weapons.

The door slammed shut behind him and he turned around. Before he could do anything someone wrapped a noose around his neck.

Lightning started grabbing at the person strangling him, but it didn't do anything, the person pulled the noose tighter and Lightning started pulling the rope off, but he couldn't do anything as he reached for his throat, and he fell to the ground.

Cameron ran into the room and screamed at Lightning's body. Lightning was on the floor, a rope around his neck, hid hands were reaching for his throat so Cameron could tell he'd been strangled. 'Mike!'

Mike ran in the room and jumped back when he saw Lightning on the ground. 'Shit!' He yelled.

'L-Let's go.' Cameron stuttered, walking out. Mike nodded and followed him.

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