percy jackson : 1

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"Y/N, watch out!"
You lifted your gaze from your bleeding left arm, just in time to kill the monster in front of you.
"Thanks Perce, that was way too close for my liking."

Twenty minutes prior the group had decided to split up in order to be faster at the mission, leaving you alone with only Percy Jackson.

Your relationship with Percy was complicated. When arriving at the camp he was your first proper friend, alongside Annabeth. To this day they still were your best friends, and you would die for both with no hesitation. However, as you grew closer to them your relationship with Percy changed. When you realized that you had grown romantic feelings towards the son of Poseidon, you were mortified; especially since he was dating Annabeth, your other best friend. They were happy, and you knew they loved each other deeply; and therefor you kept your feelings private. 

You snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of Percy cursing in Ancient Greek. For a slight moment you were confused at why, until you spotted the four monsters approaching the two of you.
Normally the two of you easily could have managed the monsters, as you were two strong and well-trained demigods. However, the mission had already worn you out; and with your damaged arm and no access to water - you were in deep trouble.

The two of you positioned yourself with your backs facing, as a way of saying that you literally had each other's backs. Every stab you mad drained you for energy, and you felt yourself grow dizzy.
"Please say you have a plan," you muttered, although you knew he most likely had none. "Nope. Fight, I guess."

You fought your hardest. After much struggling you managed to kill one, only for another to bite your leg.
Percy killed two in a row, and suddenly you had hope. Only one monster left!
You felt Percy's back touch yours, and the thought of him being alive, fighting right next to you, gave you some strength.

However as Percy attacked the last monster, it swung its tail; hitting your stomach with one of its sharp tags.


No matter how hard you tried to keep on your feet, you couldn't help falling to your knees. In the background you could vaguely hear Percy yell out a "no!" as he killed the last monster.
He turned around quickly, fumbling with his backpack and retrieving the remaining ambrosia. Several small pieces were desperately pushed into your mouth, yet nothing happened.

"I'm sorry Percy," You croaked.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," although your sight was blurry you could spot tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Did you ever love me? Deep down you knew the answer, however you had to ask.
Percy widened his eyes and shook his head in confusion.
"What? Of course I love you, we're best friends." Percy truly were clueless.
"Yeah, best friends. How I wished we could have been more than that." You let a tear fall and smiled bitterly.
"I love you, Percy. I have for a while, but I could never even attempt to home-wreck my best friends."
For every second that passed you felt yourself getting closer to death.
"At least now you can't reject me."
And then you died.


Percy held your body close, so tight that you normally would have laughed and told him that he was choking you. His head was spinning as he realized that he never again would hear your laugh.

You loved him. You loved him, and he didn't know. You loved him, and he dated Annabeth instead, clueless about your feelings.
As the rest of the group returned, horrified by the tragic scenery, Percy cursed himself. You loved him. How could he not have known?

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