THE QUEST: Chapter 52

Start from the beginning

"Like I have any control of it!" Gimli huffed but smiled nonetheless as he looked forward towards the shore to see Alannah and Galadriel. "She still is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on." Gimli mused. Legolas heard little of the words Gimli spoke as the ship finally made contact with the shore and bid himself to stand.

He felt as if he couldn't breathe as he leapt over the side of the ship, not caring that he was knee deep in the water as he waded to get to the shore. His eyes never moved off of her as they walked towards one another, their eyes searching and their lungs without breath. It had been too long, just, too long that they had been apart and Legolas suddenly regretted waiting so long to join her.

"Never again." He whispered aloud as his feet finally made contact with the sand. They stood in front of one another as their chests rose and fell rapidly with each breath they took, a million words they wished to say to the other and a million emotions overtaking them. Legolas parted his lips to speak as his heart pounded violently in his chest but no words could come out. There were none. For the first time in Legolas' long life he was rendered completely and utterly speechless. With his eyes wide and his lip quivering he looked over her features as if this was the first time he had ever seen her. Alannah's long dark waves, her emerald green eyes, the fair complexion of her skin, all of it was as he remembered but not at all. She had been healed, her heart and soul healed. She was Alannah, his Alannah in every way he remembered and every way he had not.

Alannah looked at him in complete awe as if she had fallen in love with him all over again. She noted this nervousness, and his pain as well. It immediately reminded her of herself when she had first arrived to Valinor, heartbroken and lost in every sense of the word. Legolas had bore the same pains that she had in Middle Earth and though they were apparent in his spirit, he appeared every bit as brilliant to Alannah that she had always remembered. For so long she had locked him into her heart while they were parted and now that they were together once again, Alannah couldn't speak bring herself to speak and say to him everything she had long yearned to.

As emotion overtook him Legolas stumbled and nearly tripped as he walked towards her, the always composed and graceful elf forgotten in this moment. He finally closed the space between them having had enough distance physically, emotionally, and mentally come between him and his wife for far too long. His hand reached up to touch the soft skin of her cheek, nearly choking out a sob as he finally made contact. He ran his thumb beneath her eye to brush away a tear that had finally escaped before pulling her body flush to his.

Legolas kissed her without warning. Without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn't have done anything else. He needed that breath she was holding. It belonged to him and he wanted it back. Their lips drew together like magnets that had been held apart for too long and desperate to cling to the other, unable to be pulled apart by anyone or anything. Her hands gripped onto his arms tightly in a desperate attempt to keep him close to her. Another moment apart was out of the question. An impossible thought neither of them could fathom ever again.

Galadriel and Gandalf smiled at the couple during their long awaited reunion as Gimli made his way to them. Quietly the three departed, Galadriel and Gimli parting ways while Gandalf lingered for just a moment longer. The Istari's heart warmed greatly at the image before him of his daughter finally finding the happiness she had long deserved and longed for. With a smile on his face, Gandalf turned to follow the latter leaving Legolas and Alannah to themselves.

They pulled their lips apart finally only to draw raspy breaths into their empty lungs, pressing their foreheads together as they held onto one another in a tight embrace. Legolas felt her peace, happiness, wholeness and managed a wide smile having wanted nothing more since her departure from Middle Earth. In contrast, Alannah felt all of Legolas' emotions: excitement, relief, and a deep pain. Her eyes opened as she softly caressed his cheek and immediately she knew precisely what must be done.

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