The Quest: Chapter 16

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The air was cold atop the Orthanc Tower. It was silent all for the gushing wind that whipped around Alannah as she lay several feet away from Grima's body. She didn't dare to move, paralyzed by her fear of heights. Any tears that fell onto her cheeks were quickly dried as the cool gusts blew upward into her face. Suddenly, warm hands wrapped around her waist pulling her up and towards the trap door.

Legolas kept one arm around Alannah as they descended what seemed to be a thousand stairs. Her balance was off and her body was riddled with exhaustion that Legolas could easily feel beneath his fingertips. He kissed the top of her head as they stepped off the final step, angered at the injuries that plagued her face. Gandalf rushed over to her, taking her hand into his own.

"Are these from the battle? Did Saruman say anything about the enemy's next strike?" He asked as he pulled a handkerchief and dabbed it tenderly at her bleeding lip. She shook her head as she took the handkerchief from him and walked outside with Gandalf and Legolas following close behind her, desperate to be free of the cold and confined space that was Orthanc Tower. Water from the broken dam flooded to her ankles as she silently sloshed over to her horse. Aragorn and Gimli glanced over at her as they readied their horses for the return trip to Edoras. She looked over her shoulder at Legolas before dropping her eyes to the ground.

"No, Gandalf. To both questions." She muttered. Alannah couldn't care less about what had happened in the Tower, but the achiness and exhaustion in her body was desperate to be back in Edoras and resting in a bed. Gandalf gently squeezed her shoulder before turning away and mounting his own horse while Legolas stepped forward and turned her to face him.

"Meleth nin, you need rest. These will be gone when you wake." He gently traced his fingers over her bruised cheek. Most of the company had trotted away from them, leaving them with some privacy. She leaned into his chest, relieved to have rejoined him once again and on solid ground.

"I know. I do not wish to be departed from you again." She whispered. Alannah buried her nose into his hair, breathing in the unforgettable scent of woods that only he possessed, comforting and soothing her soul. Legolas lifted her onto her horse and whispered into its ear before mounting the horse he shared with Gimli.


Alannah was surprised by how gentle the horse was on the way back to Edoras and she was certain it had something to do with what Legolas had whispered to it. She anticipated to be even sorer from riding but was pleasantly surprised when she dismounted in the stables that she was in no worse shape. Her body and armor were still covered in mud and blood from the battle and she began to dread what the bathtub in her room would look like by the time she was done with it.

Alannah could barely keep her eyes open as Legolas escorted her weary body to the bedroom they shared. He was quick to start a fire and heat up several large kettles of water and fill the tub for her as she pulled her armor off. She sat at the table and watched him, forcing her eyes to remain open.

"Undress, I'll help you bathe." Legolas insisted as he dumped the last bit of water into the tub. Alannah shook her head.

"I've got it." She said as she rose from the table and walked behind the dressing panel. "I'll be quick anyways. I wish only to sleep."

Legolas grabbed the clothes she flung over the top of the panel, visualizing her bare form on the other side.

"Our clothes need laundered. I'll see to it. I did hear a celebration of sorts would be held tonight, in honor of the victory." He paused as he heard her slide into the tub. Alannah sighed as the hot water began to loosen her muscles, for the moment ignoring the dirt that began to seep into the clean water. Legolas walked around the panel and knelt behind her, satisfied to see her relaxing after such a trying ordeal.

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