Chapter 30: Furious Billionaire

Start from the beginning

Sooner, the emcee of the day already spoke through the microphone.

"Today, ladies and gentlemen. We are here to witness how Jesus was born. Though we are already in a college stage, we still make use of this time to show you how the savior came into this world to..." the emcee kept on talking and talking. I sneak a a peek to the audience.

Oh my goody goody, there were almost thousands of students watching. I didn't know that there are lots of students who still want to watch.

I gulp to see Ares at the second column of the seats with an unreadable look on his face. He was between Harley and Blake on the seats. Oh I forgot! Drake is the stage director. He turns on the lights if needed or closes the curtain. Even showering snow flakes is his role. I nearly want to laugh at his bored handmades.

But have you felt some undefined negative feelings before? Because for me, looking at my husband, I felt this like a bad idea. Accepting the role without telling my husband is a bad idea. I don't know why but I felt the play is so wrong infront of my husband. I think it's better if he don't watch but I think I'm being rude. He's a student and he has the right to watch.

Okay, deep breath. Deep breath. I'll just do the play, no flirting with any male.

As I fixed myself, Francis came with a jewish cloth all over his body with a saw and a hummer on his hands. Oh, nearly forgotten. Joseph is a carpenter.

"Then, let's witness how our savior appeared in this world to save us..." then the emcee drifted off. After a round of applause from the audience, the stage color and lights changes, a signal that the play has started.

I was listening to the story teller and I made way to the stage which is still covered with a curtain. I took one last deep breath.

Just remember what we practiced. Just remember what we practiced for the whole two weeks.

"There is this woman of God. Her name is Mary..." the story teller directly stated on her microphone. The curtains opened, revealing me to the audience while I was brooming on the stage. There were claps and whistles from some students.

"While roaming around, an angel appeared to her saying..."

"The holy spirit will concieve you and there will be a child in your womb..." the female voice changed with the story teller.

Another female voice was talking as my voice. "Me? A child? But, I'm not married with Joseph."

"Your womb will bear the prince of peace who will save the world..." the angel replied. I was already having a great time in the play.

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus." The voice recited.

"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen." I'm not a catholic but I don't know what I'm saying. Well, it's a prayer and I have to respect it.

The show goes on and on and the scene about Mama Mary's pregnancy came. Francis was holding me in a very tight way on my waist while knocking on the doors of the jew people. I was getting curious about Ares reaction.

When we set on a pile of hay where I gave birth in the role, Francis as Joseph and me as Mary were like couples who has a new born child. I'm just frowning at Francis who's holding my hands in the process. Wait Francis! We didn't practiced this last time.

I stole a look from Ares when it's already the scene of the three Kings for their gifts to the borned savior.

I gulp to see Ares having furious daggers towards the stage. Blake and Harley were holding him, calming him the best way possible. I felt my heart beats getting faster in the process.

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