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"Good evening babe..." Anna's exposed shoulder was given a shower of kisses from her 'so-called' boyfriend, Ares Kings.

She booked the restaurant alone with him so she can have a good talk.

Instead of letting him continue assault her, she felt disgusted and dirty.

How could this major player and womanizer hold her just like that after cheating behind her back with one of his batch mates?

She raised her shoulder that bumped into his jawline, hurting him.

Ares frowned with her girlfriend's act but he chose to ignore her rude attitude towards her even though she looks like a tigress tonight.

It's Anna who called for an evening date for both of them as their two years in relationship. As college students, there are both studying in one campus.

Anna Wilson, a graduating student of education or let us say, a star student inside the campus. While Ares is still a third year student of Engineering. He was forced to enter school instead of sitting around as the CEO of the Gracia de Montemayor company of his mother, Ariela Kings.

Being the inheritor of his mother's company, he used to having formalities and serious approach to those he cared most. Especially Anna.

"Happy second anniversary babe..." Ares gave her a kiss on her right cheek then went straight to the chair, facing her.

'She looks so beautiful tonight but something's wrong', Ares thinked.

"Are you alright babe?" He asked and reached out for her hands but instead of making it in place, the hand he's holding slapped him.

At first, he turned shocked by her girlfriend's attitude. He didn't know her reason behind with her slapping him.

"Why? Did I do something baby? Tell me..." he asked nicely with a frown. Truth is, she's his only girl. She is his first love let us add. His only love but doesn't even know why she's acting like this tonight. Just this night.

"You cheating pig..." he didn't miss her trembling voice while tears started streaming down of her beautiful face.

"C-Cheating?" He frowned.

"You didn't think I didn't see what you did with Selena? Hm?" She questioned and sobs started to occur from her. He wanted to comfort her and tell her nothing is wrong.

"S-Selena? Baby, I told you Selena is just my project partner..." he replied nicely, swallowing his throat. He knew what Selena did with him.

"Really? Project partner?" Anna sarcastically laughed. "I didn't know that a project partner can turn out to be also a kissing partner!" The day before this night, Anna saw him, kissing in one of the labs inside the campus.

"Baby please believe me--"

"Believe what? Of your lies?" She cut him off in their conversation. "You told me a month ago to stay away from her but what did you do? You stick with that leech!"

"Anna baby... it's not what you think..."

Anna remained silent, containing her breath not to kill the man infront of her.

"She kissed me okay? She threw her face at me awhile back without me noticing her. Baby please believe me. Everything you saw is only not true..." he assured her. He doesn't know what to do if she doesn't believe him. He loves her so much despite of her outburst.

"Yeah. You kept telling me she threw her face at you but awhile back doesn't look like she just threw her face at you..." Ares started tiring. His sweat started to appear like tear drops.

He responded to that woman's kiss but he cut it off shortly because he knew it's wrong.

"Babe... I know it's wrong---"

"Let's break this f-ck of relationship..." Anna angrily stated at his face while wiping her tears. She couldn't believe that the man she loved so much would betray her as he admit it himself.

"No babe. Let's work it out. Just listen to me---"

"I had listened to you a hundred times Ares!" She stand up and punch the table infront of her. "But you seem not to care about my feelings..."

"No baby it's---"

"We're over. If you want to have Selena, then keep her. If she who you wants, then have her. I don't care." It's true. He told her hundreds of times that Selena is only a project partner but she couldn't take it anymore. He's hurting her emotionally and she's tired of his excuses.

"Baby please..."

"Don't call me that bastard. Never show your face to me inside the campus. Don't worry, after my graduation next month, you can have each other forever..." she stated while continously wiping her tears away and started to march outside their meeting place.

"No..." Ares stand up to catch up with her.

"Get off my face..." Anna snapped angrily. "Or you can tell me to destroy that cheating face of yours..."

Ares was stunned. He never knew that the girl he loved so much turned to be a heartless woman.

He watched her walk away with his heart. Taking it away with her. He cannot run to stop her from going away because it feels like his legs turned jelly and his soles glued on the ground.

He knew he has done minor mistakes but he knew how to make them right. She didn't just listened to him.

After some thoughts of her, he vowed to himself.

"Next time I see you, I'll never let you get away from me like how did tonight. That's a promise..."

After that night, his life was never been the same.

The Billionaire's OBSESSION (#4 Ares Kings)Where stories live. Discover now