Chapter 30: Furious Billionaire

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Anna Wilson-Kings's PoV

"Sir, I can't do the Mama Mary act. Please choose other female teachers." I pleaded Mr. Gray after the finished meeting. I instantly don't know the heist he's into.

"Why? Don't you like the role?" Mr. Gray turned his gaze at me with a pleading set of eyes. I suddenly want to change my mind.

"No, it's just that... uhm..." I'm lost for words. Think, think...

"I'm not going to force you but you are the only one I know who can make it right. I promised Fr. Noli that he can watch the best actresses slash teacher in the campus." He looks like he's wanting to kneel on the floor to please me but I was just thinking about my husband. He hates it when I go to role plays where my role is married. He hates it when I act like a wife to other men. He hates it...

"What about Ms. Verna?" I asked in delight when I remembered my sweet friend.

"She's a shy-type of person. I doubt if she can make it. She also said no when I asked her." He assured, looking at his finger nails.

"Sir, I just wondered. Franklin University is a Catholic School but Franklin is not a Catholic name. Why?" I asked in curiousity all of a sudden.

"Didn't you learn that in history?" I shook my head. "Well, There is this Saint where the school's name gotten from but there is this man named Franklin who changed the name to his when he saved a student from suicude. I didn't know the next history but that's what I heard." He shrugged. "Well, back to the Mama Mary role..."

"How about the other teachers?" I asked stubbornly but nicely. My wondering mind drifted off. I was almost scratching my head in having a double mind. I cannot think or figure out what I like.

"Let's cut the conversation here Ms. Wilson, please? I saw each and every of their talents. And yours too. You can make it the best. We only want the best act for the role. Even Professor Miriam picked you. Please Ms. Wilson." I see how his two hands fold together. "It'll be only an act. And it's a holy play. Are you not giving your acting talent to show how you love our God?" He asked, that made me go embarrassed.

He has a point. Okay, deep breath. Then I'll be doing it. It's not bad, right? Performing a holy scene and it is for God also okay. Wooh! I'll do it but only once.

"Okay Mr. Gray. I'll do it but please, just this once. I just don't fit the role." I stated, making his smile wider.

"Thank you Ms. Wilson! Thank you so, so much! I owe you one big time. Now, please start the practice. The grand presentation will be two weeks from now..." he stated and left me with a hanging mouth.

Three weeks from now will also be the CEOship-party of Ares.


The Christmas Presentation

This is it. The presentation. Having myself ready with the play, I couldn't help it but to feel guilt for just telling Ares about it last night.

He was furious to know that I haven't told him about it for the last two weeks but it's for the best. Later on last night, he agreed but in one condition: it's a play. No touching or any kissing scene. Ha! No parts of the story is like that.

I held my thick clothes on my whole body and some realistic make-ups for being Mama Mary. I was wholly ready for the play.

I was fixing myself behind the stage of Franklin gymnasium when I heard some murmurs somewhere. Other supporting actresses were also fixing themselves loudly that I couldn't clearly hear the murmurs. Well, I didn't bother so much to hear those person so much since I couldn't see them through the curtains. So never mind.

The Billionaire's OBSESSION (#4 Ares Kings)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें