"Come along, I can walk you home, I need to pick someone up first though" I smiled at him. I'm exhausted. Jace and I are teaching in more 'secure' classrooms as they say. I found it wrong, why would anyone would separate the students as such? In the end, we were left with the maintainable and the wild.

I stepped into the station and saw a good friend of Jace. One of the officers in the station was Richard Collins. He was married to Vladimir Collins. Richard often goes easy on certain teenagers who have been caught, but he believes Lucifer could straighten out. I heard he is often tough on him more than anyone else. Richard was one of the rare few who still believed in Lucifer. He still does and that's why Lucifer is now in an interrogation room...

....Handcuffed to a chair...

The scene wasn't pretty. Jaime began to ask questions with a worried look on his face. I smiled and told him to sit down and wait. He instructed him not to talk if he didn't need to. Jace and I have been told that for years. After making sure Jaime would be alright, I spoke with Richard.

"He's in the back, don't worry. They found him intoxicated and on the roof of an apartment complex. They say his father was there. Lucifer was covered in 'bruises' and I doubt it's the fight he said he was a part of in school." Richard said as he took off his hat. I covered my mouth and looked past Richard to see Lucifer. His eyes were bloodshot. He was crying but now it's clear as day he was putting back up his walls. I signed all the paperwork needed. As soon as I saw Lucifer I grabbed his arm. Even as he trailed behind me next to Jaime. He was far from the busy street. He would attempt to go closer but I didn't let him. He had a future, whether he doubted it or not.

As we walked, Jaime was side by side with Lucifer near him. I began to scold him, what if he did something stupid?

"WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING!?" I yelled. I'm not one to yell, I try not But I was fuming as he smirked a bit.

"I clearly wasn't thinking at all sir". I can sense his smirk. Jaime sighed.


This was gonna be a long walk...

When you don't have any family left, it's hard to grow up to be someone great. You soon have to live on the streets, no one takes you seriously, and school becomes worse than hell. That's life for Lucifer. His 'father' wants nothing to do with him. His mother is no longer around because of the damn court case and all he has left is school. The principal, Natalie Grant has made it her mission to get Lucifer an education. Mr. Jagger wants Lucifer to have a safe and calm life. Officer Michaels wants Lucifer to have a safe place to live. Sad to say he won't get any of that. Lucifer has been abused in every way possible, and to the world is known as a  delinquent who craves attention. To be fair he is damn good at getting attention. The other teenagers at school can't get enough of him, and neither can the adults apparently.

Lucifer wants nothing to do with them, but one boy (like any cliché) catches his eye. Lucifer wants to take a shot at being the good guy for once. Can't he have that?

"Back already Dean?" The cop sneered. I sighed. I truly hated this, it all started because my stupid supplier had gotten arrested. So I got fed up and saw an opportunity to release that pent-up anger... Beating the shit out of some random git.

"I don't want to be here anymore than you do" I barked back. The officer was gonna yell at me more but another cop barged in.

"He's back and he's causing a scene. We need this room." The cop explained. The officer who was interrogating me sighed.

"You're lucky this time Dean. Another issue like this and it's juvenile detention" he threatened as he uncuffed my hands. I glared at him. This idiot must've been terrible if they needed to let me go.

"Get your fucking hands off of me damn it!" I heard someone yell. The officer sighed.

"Why now" was all he said as he showed me out. I could see a teenager a year older than me (maybe?). He looked beaten, he had multiple scratches and bruises and he had piercings. One of his bottom lip, two near his eye, one on the nostril, and two on his right ear that look like clips. The teen had bags under his eyes and it looked as if he had been high or something.

"Laurens get a hold of yourself!" 'Laurens' still fought and yelled as they tried to contain him. I was shoved out of the station. But not before we made eye contact. This guy has some red fucking irises!

"Better be careful Dean" the officer threatened. I rolled my eyes and started the walk home. Belle was not gonna be happy with me. Not that I care.

As I walk down the street, I bump into a teacher of mine. He looked upset.

"Mr. Jagger?" I ask. My French teacher looked stressed out. His glasses were on the top of his head and his hair was messy. His tie hung loosely around his neck too.

"Oh, Jaime what are you doing out so late?" I shrug. He frowned a bit.

"If you come with me I can walk you home. I just have to go pick someone up first." He said smiling. I nodded to him and followed my French teacher... Back to the station?

"Why are we here?" I asked. He shushed me and told me to sit in a chair to wait. After talking to an officer, for quite a while I dare say, someone came out from the back and it was that very same teenager. He seemed almost worse than before he went in. We walked with Mr. Jagger as he said he would drop us off at our homes...

"Lucifer what on earth were you thinking!?" I instantly look to see Lucifer smirking.

"I clearly wasn't thinking at all sir". He said back.

"Oh bother" I murmured. This is gonna be a long walk.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading! The book may sound better as the chapters go on. I did start writing this as a teen entering high school but now as the recent chapters are being published it's a pretty clear difference. I'm in college now and I'm hoping the practice of writing makes a difference. Please, if you are not of age (18+) or are triggered by the following:

- rape/implied rape
- dubious consent
- addiction
- Kink (Dom/sadistic behaviour/ sub)
- Gore
- severe trauma
- mental illness
- Suicide/ suicidal thoughts

I do ask you to take precautions while reading. This book has mature themes and very few warnings within chapters as I wrote plenty prior. (Tags, description, and the end of prologue)
Read safety! Take care and enjoy!

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