Chapter 1

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Lucifer Laurens
I walked through the school's gates as the second bell rang, signalling anyone who wasn't in class, was late. I felt my smile drop, a call to Frank. I decided it was in my best interest to answer the phone at that point. I turned as I felt a tap on my shoulder, and of course, the stupid hall monitor was nearby, he gave me a look of disgust as he no doubt looked at my piercings and my hair. Personally, I thought I looked okay.

"That's detention for being tardy... Not to mention the violation of the dress code policy." The monitor had on thick-rimmed glasses and tons of acne. I'm sorry but he was the nerd. I grabbed my detention slips and shoved them in my pocket. I quickly ran to my first hour. I did not need the principal on my ass for not showing up. As I walked in the teacher glared at me as usual.

"Ah, mister Laurens to whom do we owe to receive your presence." Ms. Benny said annoyed. Some students snickered. I felt my face heat up. I sunk deeper into my sweatshirt.

"Sorry for being late" I mumbled as I took my usual seat at the front. I was not gonna start shit, I just showed up.

"Hood off," I removed my hood and laid my head on the desk. I began to zone out.

"Alright class-" she started. But her voice started to fade away as I slipped into a daydream while I stared out the window. I got out another notebook that I had drawn on the cover. I know, it's only been my first class and I'm already distracted. I was doing everything but the classwork and listening to the teacher. Who cares the future holds nothing for me anyway. So I quickly began doodling all over the pages, making sketches of future tags I could spray paint over town. A little colour never hurt anyone. Especially since everything has been a bit grey lately. I felt a tap on my shoulder as it felt like hours passed in here. Honestly, school five minutes and five minutes while watching TV are way different.

"Mr Laurens, please go to your second hour, here's the classwork we did and notes for it." I put away the schoolwork, and notes. I began to look over them. What class was I even in? I've been back for a month since the school year started and I still don't know what's going on.

"Thank you" I muttered as I left my second hour. Ms Benson was okay. It's not her fault. I walked out of her class and while walking through the hallway to my locker, I saw another fight. But this fight didn't seem fair. It was some scrawny pale guy with white-like blond hair. I think he's dating some kid named Tony, or well that's the rumour. I walked to the kid who was gonna punch him again and shoved him away. I had a friend who got bullied and it drove him mad. I don't know what happened afterwards to him, I guess his parents sent him away.

"The fuck man!" The guy yelled annoyed. The idiot looked high. He had his hair slicked back. He wore jeans that sagged so they showed half his ass and a white t-shirt. Shame it was gonna get stained.

"Look! The idiot is trying to be a hero" One of his goons snickered. I dropped my bookbag on the floor. Other teens surround us as we circle each other, waiting for the first punch to be thrown. Goons leave as soon as the real fight starts anyway. I had no worries about that. Man, it's only been nearly an hour since I got here and I'm already in a fight.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The other students yelled. Some began to place bets on who would win. A few chanted for what was happening. They completely ignored the bell to alert them that they were late.

"Sammy!" I heard another guy yell. 'Sammy' got up and ran to him. I glance for a second at the one who called out. It was Tony King. I looked back in time to dodge a punch. He started this, I'm gonna end it. I threw a right hook and hit him square in the cheek. This punching and kicking continued until the principal found out.

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