Chapter 23

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Gregory Dean
I woke up with throbbing pains and muscles so fucking sore. The fuck?! I'm downstairs, I recognized the room. Lucifer was folding clothes nearby on the small table. I sat up slowly and carefully. I looked at myself. I felt icky, and not entirely clean. I removed the thick quilt. Lavender and the smell of cinnamon and pumpkins. my legs bruised, nearly resembling claws. Damn! Yesterday was a blur. I feel well-rested though. I stretched my back and snuggled underneath again. The jacket smelled like lavender and gunpowder. A contrasting mix to say the least. I wore boxers that didn't seem to be mine. I glanced at Lucifer. I heard Mikasa's voice.

"I can't believe that. No way he slipped up that badly. I can't believe you didn't stop him Lucifer," Mikasa snapped. As she adjusted the pins on the bottom of the pale blue dress Lucifer wore. It was a sundress that was fitted, yet below the waist was fluid.

"I know, I regret it. I should've stopped it. I just urged him on. Mickey, I know okay. I feel shitty. How do you make up for rape or grooming," Lucifer grumbled?

"It was not rape, I agreed to it, I knew what I was agreeing to. I thought about it for a while," I said. I sat up slowly once more. They turned to me. Mikasa quickly rushed over and hugged me gently.

"Greg! I'm sorry they did that honey. I'll be sure to rip Will a new one when he returns," Mikasa spat Will's name.

"Mikasa, I consented. It wasn't grooming or rape. I agreed to it. I wanted him to well... fuck me until I couldn't walk,' I said sheepishly. Lucifer cocked his head to the right.

"You sure? I mean we did take advantage of you," Lucifer scratched his arm. His bandaged limbs were roughly abused.

"Yes Lucifer, but maybe next time it's on a bed a little slower," I laughed. Mikasa chuckled and leaned her head on my shoulder. Lucifer just sighed in relief.

"Where's Will?" I asked. I hugged Mikasa back. Lucifer goes back to laundry and ironing.

"He decided to leave, he needed some time alone," Lucifer said.

"Lucy," I whispered.

"It happens Greg, he leaves when he's slipping. It always happens around wintertime. I should've told you and I didn't. I apologize." There's a thick silence. I can hear the soft steaming from the iron. Lucifer is ironing a shirt from Will. A pale blue shirt. Mikasa lets me go and checks on my minor injuries. She holds my hands.

"Honey it's not you, we knew it was coming. It's going to be fine. He'll be calling once he's levelled," Mikasa said letting my hands go and cupping my face.

"How about lunch? You were out for a couple of days. You had us worried for a second there," she giggled. I smiled while almost on cue my stomach growls. Lucifer doesn't move instead Mikasa helped me up. She helped me to the tub and hands me items so I can shower. I really didn't want to bend over. She actually called someone on how to shower properly after bottoming. It was a very awkward experience, to say the least... but Jenna was kind. I get out of the tub with a towel around my waist, she redressed my injuries and helps me get dressed. I have no idea what's today but I'm hoping it's not a school day... two days.

"Shit I miss school, didn't I?"

"Yep, and you can't say oh sorry I was railed and played with to the point of exhaustion," Mikasa snickered. She teased me until we reached the table. I felt my face heat up as I see a familiar tie left on the chair. I waited as she began to make some small egg omelette muffins... weirdo. I looked at the tie once more and smiled. I'm okay, I'm alright.

Mikasa grabbed a glass of milk from the freshly brought milk. She hands it over and prepares the fruit as the muffin tin was in the small toaster oven.

"Why did he freak out so badly?" I asked grabbing the glass. Mikasa dropped a knife. I flinched. She picked it up with a soft smile.

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