Chapter 8

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Lucifer Laurens
I woke up to a bunch of screaming. All I heard was some yelling and someone banging on the door. "Seriously?!" I said as I sat up slowly. Everything ached and I'm expected to move, what the fuck I was shot in the leg, and my stomach not too long ago, hell my bruises just barely changed colours. I don't get up. I rubbed my temples feeling a horrible headache. Who knows what's going on...

"Will! Willy! Babe!?" I yelled. I heard running downstairs. Soft paws, there's Will dressed in sweatpants and no shirt, his skinny malnourish frame showed. I threw a pillow at him.

"Go eat you horn dog," I said looking at his bones. The man just doesn't function humanly sometimes. He waved me off saying he did... And drank all the milk.

"What?" He asked so confused and caught the pillow. The newest needle marks are evident.

"What the hell is going on?" I groan as I laid back down and turn onto my stomach. I ended up scaring myself shitless since I almost fell off the couch. I looked to see Will smirking.

"Oh McLennan was gonna shower but he moved the curtain to see a half-dead Verano and now he's probably seen someone who looks worse than you," he said bored. I'm impressed.

"Wait he's still here? Ain't he married? Why isn't he home!?" I asked running my fingers through my hair, but nothing was taming this monster.

"Turns out his 'wife' was in love with another woman and now he's living with Wendel and really should make a move," Will said as he grabbed a shirt of mine and went to open the door. Our cat, Eli, was with him. Surprise, it was an older lady and Wendell.

"Hey Will, can we come in?" I hear Mr. Wendell.

"Jesus is it 'come bother Lucifer with demands' day?" I grumbled and slipped a shirt on that was behind the couch.

"It's nine o'clock by the way," Will said letting them in. I look at him.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" I screech. He gives me a bitch face.

"I did. You said you would drag me to hell. Now let me go cook," he snorts. I glared at him. The two adults come in and Jace came downstairs.

"Why are there so many people here? I thought only you and Will lived here?" Jace whispered and sat on the floor near me. He turned on the radio and looked at the two.

"So... Why are you guys here?"

"First off you are so lucky it's Saturday because you're a teacher Jay!" Wendell went to punch Jace's arm. I purse my lips and turn the radio on louder.

"Who are you, ma'am?" I asked the woman. Brown hair, chocolate eyes. She looked like-

"I'm Bella Dean. My two sons were here. I'm sure they would've come home but you kept them here," she accused. She seemed really sweet too. I look to see Will humming as he cooked breakfast. I rubbed my face, I needed to piss.

"Ma'am, who are your sons?" I asked confused as hell. I was only surprised to adopt McLennan and technically he came willingly. The other two came in and I'm sure they left a while ago.

"Jaime and Greg," she said. She folds her arms looking like she would burst into tears.

"Oh them? They stayed the night but Will dropped them off at home early this morning," I told her. Will said he did and I knew whatever he cooked smelled heavenly. That's why I keep him around.

"They said they were only staying for a few hours. Not all night!" She cried. Wendell looked at her.

"Mrs. Dean I'm sure your boys are fine. Lucifer is a good-" he was cut off.

"Oh, how good can he be!? He's named after the devil! He probably hurt my boys," she cried harder. I stood up shaky. My leg was sore and it wasn't too bad considering I got shot yesterday morning. I limped to the table and sat down on the more stable of our chairs. My stomach hurt like hell.

"If you're so worried why let them leave?" I asked pouring myself a coffee. All eyes shift. McLennan came downstairs wearing some of Will's clothes since he's the same size almost. He wore some black slacks and a grey T-shirt saying 'Don't bother, I'm tired', he sat in front of me and smiled. Not as many dark circles, he seems so much calmer now that he has a place to live.

"I... They snuck out. I didn't know until late. It's just... The north is filled with delinquents and I don't... you're bad I... I'm sorry. Thank you for dropping them home safely," she said wiping her tears and leaving. Jace said he would be back with schoolwork. He goes with Wendell trying to explain. It was quiet, half an hour of peace. We enjoyed the crepes and ham Will made. We heard the knocking again.

"Damn it," I huffed.

"I got it," McLennan smiled and went to get the door. He let them in.

"What up losers," Tony burst in. I saw Sam clearly ashamed of his boyfriend, Greg, Mikasa, and Jaime. I put my head in my hands.

"I just want peace," I sighed. I finish and drank the painkillers. The rest sat with us stealing food off a few plates. Mikasa smiled, her hair tied back in a low ponytail, she wore some shorts along with a button-up shirt, very nicely pressed.

"How ya feeling?" She asked.

"Right now more annoyed than in pain. Do I have to take all of you with me?" I asked. Mikasa stole a piece of ham off my plate.

"Well obviously," Tony scoffed. I grabbed some coffee.

"Will, can you take McLennan, Tony, and Sam to get groceries? Clothes too," I said. Will dumped some liquor in his coffee. He drank it all and slammed the cup.

"Now I can. Let me get dressed. I'm taking your car," he said stealing the keys off the counter.

"I'll take the Bailey," I said.

"Uh you three can come along I guess," I said. I decided to go change. Greg looked pissed off and Jaime was smirking. "Gavin, why are your panties in a twist?"

"Fuck off Satan!" He snapped. I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Mickey go grab my bag and stuff it in the car please," I said. She nods and runs off. I go do everything I had to. Sweet relief. I went to my room to find the brothers arguing. My eye twitched. I was gonna leave them but I guess Jaime said something too personal because Greg was gonna launch at him. Thankfully I grabbed him by the waist just in time. My body filled with pain and a stabbing sensation.

"I change my mind. Go with Will. I'll take Greg," I said. Jaime made a face before leaving. He wore those ripped jeans and a black shirt. Greg was trying to get out of my grip. 

"Let me go! He deserves an ass beating! It's his fault!" Greg yelled. I shut the door and turned Greg around.

"Pull it together. What do you mean?" I asked. His breathing was erratic, his eyes filled with tears

"Why do you care!?" He snapped. I sighed.

"I'm not letting you leave until you tell me. Look you guys need space. Jaime will go with Will and you'll be with me and Mikasa," I try to explain.

"I'm not fucking five!" He growled. I was not in the mood.

"Greg... I'm trying to get to know you. So as a person trying to be your friend. What happened that made you so upset?" I asked. He rubbed his eyes aggressively.

"He brought up my mom and I don't like talking about her," he mumbled hugging himself. I nod. I go grab some new clothes and changed. Leather jacket, jeans, a random hopefully clean t-shirt, and some sneakers. I get up and used the crutches. I hold a hand to him.

"Let's go. You can sit in the front," I said softly. He nods looking unsure, he walks out and I guide him. This was too much of a hassle. Stupid safe house. At least it was only an hour's drive away.

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