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Once 7th period came around, I heard a text message come from my phone.

Hey, you all set? I'm already with the basketball team and they are about to get suited up, you should go wait.

Ok, on my way.

I looked up from my phone and turned over to Mingi, who was really into his painting.

"Hey can you tell Mr. Anh that I had to go help my friend out?" I asked while holding my hands together.

"Sure!" Mingi yelled since the room was so loud.

I smiled and mouthed "thanks" and ran out of the room.

I ran to the old basketball court and waited there for Yeonjun to arrive.


"Hey Yeosang!" I yelled as I searched my bag.

"What San?" Yeosang asked while jogging over to me.

"Have you seen my phone? I swear I put it in here!" I yelled as I poured all my belongings out.

"Nah, but I'll tell the others to keep a look out." Yeosang said.

I walked out of the room and saw Yeonjun and Beomgyu standing there with their cameras out.

"Hello captain San! On behalf of our schools photography club, would you mind if we got some photos of you guys in action and as a team???" Beomgyu asked while smiling brightly.

I sighed.

"Yeah sure, sorry if I looked stressed but I just can't seem to find my phone right now!" I yelled.

Yeonjun was staring at me with a blank expression, I felt kind of uncomfortable.

I smiled to not make things seem awkward and he just looked away.

"Hey Beomgyu, I gotta go check on the others and tell them you guys are here, I'll see you in a bit!" I yelled as I ran back to the changing rooms.


I stood there waiting for what seemed like 15 minutes. Until I saw Yeonjun running towards me while waving a phone in his hands.

"I got it." He said while catching his breath.

"He was looking for it everywhere so let's get this over with." Yeonjun said while handing me San's phone.

I opened up his messages with Hwanwoong and began to text.

Me: hey babe, meet me by the old basketball practice room, I got something for you :)

Hwanwoong🔐: yes okay I'll see u there!

I handed the phone back to Yeonjun and we waited.

We saw Hwanwoong running over here with a smile on his face.

He saw us standing there and waved.

"Hey have you guys seen San? He said he was supposed to meet me here." Hwanwoong asked while crossing his arms.

Yeonjun and I smirked at each other.

"Well actually, he had to go do something and he told us to stick around and keep you occupied for a while." Yeonjun said with a laugh.

"How about we go inside? I mean he told us he had something in there for you and he wanted you to wait in there." I said.

Yeonjun smirked and Hwanwoong began to get suspicious of us.

Once we got in Yeonjun shut the door behind us.

"Umm I can wait for San in here by myself, thanks." Hwanwoong said while taking a seat on one of the bleachers.

Yeonjun began to laugh hysterically.

"Are you still really that stupid?" Yeonjun asked while walking towards Hwanwoong.

Hwanwoong looked confused.

"What are you talking about? San texted me and-"

Yeonjun pulled out San's phone and showed him that the messages were actually from us.

His eyes widened.

"What the hell did you guys do to him??" He asked while getting up from his seat.

I pinned him down.

"Tch I wouldn't move if I were you!" I yelled while punching him the face .

"We didn't do anything to him, he's not the problem. You are." Yeonjun said while kicking Hwanwoong's side.

"I don't understand.." he whispered.

I laughed. "You think you own the school because you're dating Choi San! Don't act like you actually love him, because we all know you just want him to boost your popularity." I said while wrapping my hands around his neck.

He gasped for air.

I smiled and choked him until he stopped moving.

Yeonjun laughed and kicked Hwanwoongs still body around a few times.

"Is he...dead..?" I asked while swallowing my breath.

"No, we better kill him off though, we can't let him get out of here." Yeonjun said while taking a box cutter out of his pocket.

I grabbed it and stabbed at Hwanwoong brutally.

I felt him twitch under me, but I kept stabbing him relentlessly until Yeonjun grabbed me.

"Stop!" He yelled while pulling me back. "You're gonna make a damn mess." He said while pulling me aside.

"Shit there's blood all over me." I said while looking at my white shirt, that was now stained with blood.

Yeonjun sighed and pulled out an extra shirt he had in his bag.

"Here." He said.

"Smileee." Beomgyu said as he snapped photos of us.

I stood next to Yeosang as Beomgyu took photos of us with that obnoxiously bright camera of his.

"Thanks so much guys!!" He said as he walked out of the court.

I sat down on the bench and took a sip of water from my water bottle.

"Damn I still can't find my phone!" I told yeosang, who was sitting next to me.

"Haha well, don't worry you'll find it." Yeosang said as he got up and went to go practice.

Then I saw Yeonjun walk in with a rushed look on his face.

"Hey umm San... is this your phone?" He said while handing my phone to me.

"Thanks! Where did you find it?" I asked.

"It was on the track field." He said as he walked away.

Track field? Why the hell was it over there?? I thought.

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket.


I got back to class, and sat next to Mingi briefly.

"What the hell took you so long?" Mingi asked while still looking at his painting.

"I was helping a friend." I replied.

"Mhmm." Mingi said while painting.

"Just shut up and paint your weird painting of Jongho!" I yelled while laughing.

"You little-"

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