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"Hey Wooyoung, you okay?" Mingi asked as he waved his hand in my face. I jumped and pushed my glasses up.

"Yeahh, what's up?" I asked trying to sound calm.

"Do you get this problem?" He handed me a sheet of paper and I examined it. I hated helping him with his school work, it's not my fault he's a doofus.

I wrote some notes on his paper and handed it back to him, hopefully he can understand the steps. Less work for me I guess.

He looked at the paper and mouthed a "ohh" I rolled my eyes and continued doing the work our teacher assigned.

I must have been too focused on my work since I didn't notice my friend Jongho approach Mingi and I.

"Hey guys." He said with a yawn.

Jongho is a year younger than us, but he's crazy smart since he made it into our math class. He comes off as a anti social kind of guy, but once you get to know him he's actually pretty interesting and down to earth.

"Wasssuppp" Mingi said while holding his hand up.

"Just wanted to ask if you guys were ready for home coming." Jongho said while pulling up a chair next to Mingi.

"I don't think I'll be going." I said, I really had no reason to go, it's not like I had a date or anything. Plus stuff like that are just so predictable.

The popular guy and girl of each grade will get to have the most "fun" since their so likable right? They'll get high, drunk or both, make a scene, and be all over social media.

I hated seeing their faces around school, they walked around as if they were Gods or something.

"Aw Wooyoung don't be like that." Mingi told me as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, you don't need a date to go." Jongho added.

"Yeah but social events have never really been my thing."

"Well I don't wanna be alone, so you're going whether you like it or not." Jongho demanded.

"And why would I go JUST for you?" I asked. "Why don't you just stay home? It's really not that hard."

"Well my brother keeps demanding me to go since it's my first year here and he wants me to make 'friends' he said I can stick with him but you know, that's not really gonna work out." Jongho explained.

"C'mon Wooyoung, just come, it'll be fun." Mingi added again.

"Fine. I'll go, when is it?"

"Saturday." Jongho answered. I nodded and packed my things.

The bell rang and Mingi, Jongho, and I headed out.

"Where you heading Mingi?" Jongho asked while putting something in his locker.

"Basketball practice. You?"

"History." He replied.

"Well I'll see you in science?" Mingi asked.

"Yeah for sure." Jongho replied

Mingi walked off while waving at us. Jongho's resting face soon turned into a bright smile as if he'd just saw the love of his life walk away from him. I slightly punched his shoulder.

"I see, someone has a crush." I teased while smiling brightly. Jongho blushed and pushed me.

"Says who?" He asked while putting a book in his locker.

"Says the look on your face." I laughed.

Jongho's smile soon faded as he saw someone walk towards us.

It was Kang Yeosang, one of the basketball players at our school. He was in the same grade as me, meaning he was a year old than Jongho. Yet he still had this weird obsession with him.

"Jongho, nice to see you." He teased. Jongho rolled his eyes and slammed his locker.

"Go away." He said silently.

Yeosang got closer and looked down at Jongho.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you." He said while putting his ear to Jongho's face. "Homecomings this Saturday, why won't you make me happy and go with me?"

"Over my dead body." Jongho replied. Yeosang slammed his hand on his locker.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" Yeosang asked.

"Get lost Yeosang." I said while grabbing his arm.

He looked at me and took my hand off his arm.

"As if I'm scared of a wimp like you." He said. I rolled my eyes and stepped in front of Jongho.

"It's not my fault you're obsessed with Jongho, now get lost lover boy."

"Shut the fuck up you-"

"Hey." I heard a voice say.

I looked over and saw Jongho's brother San, standing there with his arms crossed.

"Why the hell are you bothering my brother and his friend?" He asked while looking at Yeosang.

Yeosang put his arms up and walked off.

"You okay bro? What was he doing to you?"

"He just kept trying to get me to go to homecoming with him.."

"What an ass." San commented.

I kept looking at San.

I never really saw him up close, yeah I knew who he was of course. He was one of the most popular guys at our school, how wouldn't I know who he was? But now as I stood there looking at him, I felt like I've never seen him before.

He looked at me and smiled.

"You okay Wooyoung?" He asked me sincerely.

I panicked and began to speak.

"I'm...yeah...I'm okay.." I said while scratching my neck. He chuckled and grabbed his bag.

"If he messes with any of you again, just let me know." He said with a wink.
"See you at home." He told Jongho. "I'll see you around." He said while looking at me.

I waved awkwardly and put my face in my locker after he was out of sight.

"So glad he got me out of that mess." Jongho said with relief.

"We should be heading to class now..." I whispered. Jongho grabbed my arm and we began making our way to our next class.

But damn, call me weird or something, but San, something about him gets me.

I had this feeling of needing to see him again. I sound crazy I know, but I feel like he's...someone I need...

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