Chap.22 Christmas part 2

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Harmony's P.O.V

Once we were all done eating us kids decided to split up the girls going to my room and the boys going to hades room so we all sat on the bed we being me, Alexandra, and pansy. "Ugh it's so unfair that hades and Fred get to be with there mates right now," Alex said we all call her Alex and Alexander, Xander for short.

I sighed and said "I know but hey at least we get to have girl time it's not there fault that their mate is the same sex" we then continued on to talk about our holiday so far. But once it got to her turn she could not stop talking about how fun her and mines mates family is and how her and Xander just love spending all their time with the twins.

We all then started laughing when she started telling us the pranks the twins pulled on everyone when we heard a knock on the door so I said "come in" thinking it's that it was either father or Ri. And I was right it was Ri "Hey harmony us guys wanted to know if you wanted to play quidditch with us" I turned and looked at the girls who all smiled and nodded their heads so I turd back to Ri and said "we would love to" So we all got up and walked out the door with them and walked downstairs to the sitting room where we found the adults.

Hadrian's P.O.V

Once the girls said yes we all head downstairs to find the adults once we found them in the sitting room I spoke up "hey dad me and everyone else are going to play a game of quidditch if you guys want to come watch". After I said that all the adults replied with a 'we loved to', 'Yes' or a nod of their heads so the we all headed out side to were we had our quidditch field.  "so how are we going to do the teams" harmony asked once we all had brooms "Well I was thinking it could be us Slytherins with you harmony against them" I told her.

     "Sure let do that" harmony said while everyone else just nodded their heads we then decided that me and dray would be the chasers on the team. While Blaise and pansy would be the beaters and harmony would be the keeper and on the others team Fred and George would be the beaters. Alex and Xander would be the chasers and Ron would be the keeper so once everyone had their positions and we got the equipment out we waited for father to start the game.

    Once he said go after we were all ready we all immediately shot up into the air harmony and Ron were guarding the goal post. And Fred, George, pansy, and Blaise were at ready with the bats and me and Draco were waiting staring at Alex and Xander waiting to see who got the quaffle. Soon the game was over since it was almost time for lunch with my team leading the score by a few points so once father told us it was time to go inside for lunch.

We quickly flew down and put all of the equipment away once that was done we all went in side for lunch and we all sat down in the same seats we did for breakfast, once we were all finished eating it was time for presents. So everyone sat down by their own piles I opened my presents first I got a few new potion books from father, a few books in parsaltough from grandpa and a couple in dark arts from Mr.malfoy. I got a new silver watch from Ms.zabinni and some quidditch books from the Parkinson's, I also got some potion ingredients from Blaise and a book of different types of seekers from pansy. I then opened a gift from dray it was a bracelet that was in the shape of a dragon and a snake the dragon was curled till the head met the tail and the snake was wrapped around the length of the dragon the dragon was a mix between silver and blue wile the snake was emerald green.

"Thank you so much dray I love it" I said to him before giving him a quick kiss it was than harmony's turn she got a lot of different books from everyone and jewelry and a jewelry box from pansy, Mrs.Malfoy, Ms.zabinni, and Mrs.Parkinson. She got a charms bracelet from me the was an owl charm, a Ravenclaw charm, a Slytherin charm, and 3 family charms was was a gaunt, Riddle and snape. All were to resemble her and how she's now a part of our family she then got a blue box with holes in it and a small black box from Ron.

He had gotten her a Weasley charm since he knew about the bracelet and a small black kitten that had amazing blue eyes and she had a cute dark blue collar with a golden owl design on. After she attached the charm to her bracelet that she put own she picked up her new kitten "Merlin Ron I cant believe you got me a cat, thank you so much I love you" she said before she kissed him. "So what are you gonna name her" I asked since the kitten was a girl "I'm gonna name her Athena after my favorite Greek goddess the goddess of wisdom" she said with a smile on her face.

Everyone basically got the same thing some what varying from person to person I also got dray a pet shape shifting baby dragon that had silver scales and bright blue eyes it was a lightning dragon. While harmony got Ron a red and white puppy which was a Siberian Husky, dray named his baby boy dragon Mico which means flash in Latin and Ron named his puppy lupus which is wolf in Latin.

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