Chap.21 Christmas

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Hadrian's P.O.V
     We had just gotten back from shopping just in time for lunch so after father had asked a few house elves to bring all of the bags up to harmony's room. We all went into the dining room to see grandpa was already there waiting for us "welcome to the family dear" he said to harmony as we all sat down. "Thank you I'm so grateful to be welcomed into your family" she then said to him with a huge smile on her face, the food was then brought out and we all started eating it a comfortable silence.

       Afterwards both be and harmony all went upstairs so I could help her put all of her new clothes away "Hey harmony tomorrow is Christmas Eve are you excited because that's when all of our friends are coming over" I said to her. "Yes so what are we doing that day" she asked me once she put the last piece of clothing away "Well first in the morning everyone is going to come over to eat breakfast and lunch then opening presents". I said I then continued on "after that we are all going to get dressed in our formal wear then head with the Malfoy's to there home for the ball" once i finished all she did was nod her head I then said see ya later and walked in to my room.

    Next day
Hadrian's P.O.V

It was now Christmas Eve and I just can't wait to see dray so I quickly to a shower and got dressed since everyone would be arriving in a few minutes I got dressed in a nice emerald green silk button up shirt with he went with my eyes. And some nice black dress pants with some black and white converse wither green laces because that was just my style I also had my wings and horns out.

    Since everyone coming are all have creature inheritances and we are all proud of it, after I was finished getting ready I walked over to harmony's room to see if she was already ready for today. Once I reached her door I knocked on it waiting for her to open it "just one minute" I heard her yell before she opened the door a few seconds later "Well don't you look lovely" I said once I saw her.

She was wearing a dark red shirt tucked into a black skirt with black tights underneath and she also had one small black high heels. She also had styled her hair in an half up half down ponytail some diamond stud earrings and her favorite owl necklace the same one she wore yesterday day on along with some simple light makeup. Which consisted of a light tan shade of eyeshadow with a thin line of black eyeliner and mascara she and to finish it of she had a light shade of pink lipstick on "thanks Ri you look handsome yourself" she said in reply.

She also started calling me Ri so she would have her own nickname for me as my sister "thanks Well should we head down now our mates and friends should be here soon" I asked her "yes we should". We then started heading down stairs once we got there we walked towards the living room were I knew grandfather and father were going to be "good morning grandfather,father" both me and harmony said at the same time. "Oh good morning hades,harmony" father then said "good morning Hadrian,harmony how are you two this morning" grandpa then said/asked "we are fine grandfather" I said answering for us before sitting down along with harmony.

      A second after we all sat down a house elf popped in and said "master Riddle the Malfoy's,Wesley's,Zabini's,Parkasins, and Macbeth's are all here" "alright please escort them here poppy" grandfather said. "Yes master Riddle" she said before popping away a minute later Draco and his parents came in and dray sat next to me while his parents sat across from us "Hey dray" I said leaning into him "hey hades" he said in reply. Then the Weasleys Ron,George, and Fred came in along with the Macbeth twins, Ron sat next to harmony and the twins sat on the other couch then Blaise and pansy came in with there parents following behind them.

"well then since we are all here why don't we move to the dining room for breakfast" father then said Leading all of us into the more formal dining room that we use when we have guests. So as usual grand father sat at the head of the table on his left was father and his right was Mr.malfoy, after Mr.malfoy was his wife. Next to her was Ms.zabini across from her and Mrs.malfoy was pansy mother and father after them was pansy,Alexandra,Alexander then finally me and my new sister harmony.

      Then it was Blaise sitting across from pansy and everyone else was sitting in front of their mates soon after everyone was seated the house elves then brought out the food once everyone dug in the rest of breakfast was eaten in comfortable silence. Once everyone was done eating we all left to go do our own thing with our mates so all of us kids just went up to my room Well us guys while the girls went to harmony's room.

Me and dray sat on the bed on one end while Ron sat on the other while the twins took the window seat and Blaise sat in the chair i had in front of my desk. "So how was your guys holidays so far" I asked everyone "pretty lonely without you hades" dray replied "alright so far" Blaise said. "Alright but kinda lonely with harmony" Ron then said with a sad look
"Ours is Great, Fred said
We're so, George continued
Glad that mother, Fred
Let the twins, George
Stay With us" they did the normal thing we they switch who said what of the sentence and said the last part together "well that good to hear. We then began talking for an hour or to before dray suggested we play quidditch "good idea dray I'll go see if the girls want to play to" I said so we walked out of my room to harmony's.

Right before I knocked on the door I could hear a lot of giggling coming from inside, I then knocked and heard a "come in" from harmony. I then opened the door and saw them all sitting on her bed laughing at something "hey girls me and the guys wanted to know if you guys wanted to play a quidditch game with us before lunch" I asked.

A/n sorry I forgot to add this in Alexander is sitting on Fred's lap and after Fred and George do there twin speak he say yea me and Alexandra have been having a really good time there.

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