Chap.3 Inheritance part 2

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June 5th 2014. Edited
BOY=yelling 'This'= reading/writing so letters,books,notes. Twin speak: Bold is Fred, italics is George, italics and bold is both.
Draco's P.O.V

Today is my birthday yay I'm so happy even though I don't show it on my face because I'm a Malfoy. As a Malfoy we don't show our emotions we have reputation to keep up after all, or that's what my father says, anyways my parents had forced me to stay in my room because I will be getting my creature inheritance today.

I don't know what I will be though because both my parents familys have creature blood but the inheritance skipped their generation so they didn't get one. While I'm sitting here waiting I suddenly feel a searing pain run down my body. The pain was mainly focused on my back.

I soon screamed out in pain I then heard running footsteps and saw my mum and dad run into my room.
"Draco darling are you all right" my mum asked before she ran in but when she did all she did was gasp, after that I don't know what had happened because I had passed out.

       They say in the books that when you are getting your creature inheritance and you dream of things that are colored wrong and that they are usually the colors of your mates eyes and hair.

When I opened my eyes I knew right away I was dreaming because of what I was seeing around me. I was in a clearing that was surrounded by trees, there was also a crystal blue lake that I was laying by when I had opened my eyes. Another thing that I saw was that the ground around me had to represent my mates hair and eye color because there were these emerald green lilies that must have described there eyes.

And there was also this soft raven black grass that I was just laying on that must have represented there hair. With those thoughts in my mind I knew that this coming school year I should look for people with raven black hair, and emerald green eyes. As I looked around I just realized that it was storming out lightning was flashing, it was also raining really hard as well.
End of dream

Soon I was waking up, and when I opened my eyes my parents were no were to be seen. I got up and walked into the bathroom to see what changes had happened to me. When I looked into my mirror and what I saw was absolutely amazing.

I had soft white/silvery feathered wings, icy and electric blue scales going from my neck down my back till it reached my new scaled long dragon tail. I also had two small horns that were white,with small blue swirls on them.

To myself I thought that I looked amazingly handsome I turned and left the bathroom but when I did I saw something on my bed. I walked over and I saw that it was a letter from Gringotts address to me. I broke the seal and opened the letter and this is what it read.
'Dear Draco Lucius Malfoy
We are honored to inform you that you have came into your creature inheritance. Please come to Gringotts Bank as soon as possible so that we may find out and inform you of what your creature inheritance is if you don't already know. This letter is also a portkey the activation word is Thunder.

                       Sincerely the Goblin Ragnook'

             After making sure I looked presentable I said "Thunder" out loud as clearly as I could. The next thing I knew I was in a meeting room with some goblin that I guessed was ragnook from what the name sign on the desk read. "Ah Mr.Malfoy it wonderful that you are here please have a seat" ragnook said I then sat down.

"Yes hello to you to Mr.Ragnook now how do we do this" I said and asked him. "Well Mr.Malfoy that's easy just place of few drops of blood on this piece of parchment and we will be able to see what creature you are." He told me so I did what he told me to do. After I did that the parchment then glowed after the light had faded words appeared.

'Draco Lucius Malfoy
Creature(s): Veela, and water/storm dragon. Forms: Normal self with blue dragon wings horns and tail, Normal self with white/silvery feathered Veela wings, Normal self with Veela wings and dragon horns and tail, Normal self. Powers: Electrokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Atmokinesis, flight, allure. Familiar(s): Unknown. Mate(s): Unknown.'

And that was all that it read, I know wondered what my familiar would be and who my mate was. "Interesting inheritance you have there young Malfoy I haven't met many dragon's they are considered rare nowadays, anyway here are two books with anything you might need to know about water and storm dragons and Veela's. Now goodbye and have a good day mister Malfoy" he then told me and with out another word except good day to you to, I then left to go back home I could not wait to till mother and father about this.

One month and two days later at the longbottom resident

              One month and two days later at the longbottom resident

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July 30th, 2014
Neville Longbottom's P.O.V

It was a normal day in the longbottom house hold were my family was currently celebrating my eleventh birthday. As I was hanging out with my grandma as I do every birthday before we go and visit my parents.
"Neville dear are you ready to go yet" my grandma asked me, "Ya grams I'm ready ahhh" right after I told her I was ready a sudden pain ran through me making me scream out loud.

      When I opened my eyes I knew I was in a dream I was in the middle of a forest. But there was something strange about this forest the leaves were a platinum blonde hair color and the rest of the trees the branches and trunks of them were a light blue. I was guessing that these were aspects of my mate and that I was currently going through my creature inheritance. I had recently read about creature inheritances so that is what the only thing that could think of that was happening.

End of dream

And I then woke up, but the weird thing was that my grandma was no where to found. I then got up and went to the bathroom to see if I was right, and what I found staring back at me was a surprise. What I saw showed that my suspicions were correct I had gone through a creature inheritance.

What I had gained were green simmering wings and flowers growing out of my hair in the shape of a flower crown.


After looking at my new self I went into my bedroom and found a letter on my bed. I then went to Gringotts as the letter said to and learned that I was a forest fairy, I also got a new book from them about fairy's mostly the forest ones.

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