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8 weeks

Now that Jung-suk responds to his parents it clearly shows that he's not a shy baby.

He waves and "talks"  to place people who compliment him.

He also trys to "talk" With Seokjoon and Jennie.

Not to mention he now sleeps longer through the nights.

10 weeks

"Let go of my hair please. "

"He's not going to. "

"Come on kid, my hair has been damaged enough. "


"10 weeks! That's crazy ! "

"I know, it feels like we just brought him home. "

"They really do grow up fast... Let's have another. "

"First, I'm still not clear to have sex. Second, even if I was, it's too soon. "

"I'm just messing with you. But seriously, would you want another kid some day? "

"Yeah.... "

12 weeks

Jung-suk is laying on his tummy playing with his toys. But, he knows that someone is missing.

So, he starts crying.

"I'm here, I'm here, eommas here. "

"What's wrong? "

That's all it took for the baby to know that his apps wasn't home.

So, he keeps crying.

"Are you hungry?"

( idk h9w to express him saying no😅)

"Let me check your diaper. "

"All clear. "

"Are you sleepy? "

"Wait you just had a nap like 5 minutes ago. "

"I'm back! "

The baby stops crying.

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