🍋Hitoshi Shinsou: Late Nights

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The bed was colder than you remembered, your arm stretching out to confirm your suspicions. Eyes fluttering open as you noticed the room was now dimly lit.

"Hitoshi" your voice was groggy as you noticed his figure slouched over the desk and flipped through several pages of his textbook, either he didn't hear you or he was ignoring you, you tried his name once more and swung your legs over the side of the bed. Again, you were unheard and soon found yourself getting up to stretch before taking several steps to him, wrapping your arms around his neck from behind.

"Did I wake you?" He mumbled, his lips pressing against your arm softly before he continued to take more notes and flip another page. A small hum left your lips before planting a small kiss to his cheek.

"It's 3am, why don't you come back to bed" You muttered against his skin, he stopped writing for a second as if thinking about his options, ultimately he opted out of the comforts of his bed with you by his side and continued to jot down more notes. A small groan of disapproval and frustration left your lips. Pulling away from him you walked back to the bed, ready to cuddle up with the blankets as your only companion. However before getting back in bed you turned around and quickly decided to sit in his lap, your legs draping over the arm of the chair while leaning against him.

"(Y/n) I really just need to finish this chapter, I'll come back to bed after. I promise" he sighed while running his fingers through your hair.

"Well great, I'll just keep myself busy while you finish up" There was a certain seductiveness to your tone, your lips finding their way to the spot above his collarbone, fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck. A shaky breath escaped from his parted lips as your hand fell from his hair and traveled underneath his shirt, his abs flexing against your touch. Pulling your mouth from his neck there was a small smirk on your face as you took note to the small hickey that was left behind

"Fuck it" he murmured, crashing his lips to yours.

The bulge in his boxers was quickly growing as you shifted and now straddled his lap. His hands quickly running along your sides and moved under the over-sized shirt he let you borrow, his rough hands squeezed at your ass while you moved against his clothed member. However, before you could make the next move he was standing and had you seated on his desk, pens and papers falling to the floor as he pulled his lips from yours, quickly removing your underwear.

"Is this what you wanted?" his raspy voice whispered in your ear before nipping at your lobe. His fingers sliding along your heated folds and then entered two fingers in your warmth, a throaty moan escaped before you could stop it.

"Answer me" he demanded

His patience was wearing thin as you didn't give an answer soon enough, his fingers pulled from your aching core and a certain emptiness hit you.

"Wait, Hitoshi...that's not fair" you whimpered and bit your lip while looking at him with apologetic eyes. There was scoff on his part as he pulled down his boxers and let them pool at his ankles, that apologetic look soon turned to one of want and need as you watched him grasp onto his dick. His eyes met yours before a smirk tugged at his lips and he settled his tip at your entrance.

"You know, I need my answer still" he whispered as his lips brushed against yours and he slowly started to push inside. However, you weren't ready to give in to his wish, the only thing you were willing to give him was a string of moans as he very slowly moved his hips against you.

Using one of his hands he pulled up the shirt you were still wearing, dipping his head he captured your nipple in his mouth. Another moan escaped your lips as you wrapped your legs around his waist to draw him closer.

"Hito-shi" his name fell breathlessly and only sparked the urge for him to move faster.

"nngh...fuck that feels amazing!" The sentence was louder than you anticipated, a small groan vibrated on your nipple causing you to grip the desk. His lips soon finding their way back to yours, moaning and soft grunts leaving both of you as you fought for dominance.

His hand soon tangled in your hair and roughly tugged on it, forcing your head back.

"Gonna...cum... nnghh" His fingers danced over your nipples as he massaged and fondled your breast, the sight of you coming undone beneath him was enough to send him over the edge.

"Cum for me baby" he groaned and let his hands fall to your hips, holding on tightly as your walls tightened around him, his hips snapping against yours as your release came and his soon followed.

After a minute or so of catching your breath you slid off the desk and onto your feet, unfortunately you weren't expecting your knees to give out. Thankfully Shinsou was there to catch you, a small chuckle came from him as you rolled your eyes.

"Shut up and come back to bed" you muttered before pushing away from his grip and walked back to bed, but he didn't follow, instead he sat back down in his chair, clothes back on and went back to his notes.

"I just need to finish this chapter"

"Yeah whatever"

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