Part 16 Small Pleasures

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Integra regarded the invitation before her with a mix of trepidation and disgust. She hated these types of events but hated the attendees more.

However, Majestic had been on a shortlist of known associates with Millennium. This is a chance to get closer to their target. Millennium had been of special interest for a while. Being behind the large uprisings of ghouls vampires and other monsters all over the European Union in the last century. Integra also had it on good authority someone from Millennium turned her Uncle on his family.

Walter's shadow passed over her as he comes to collect the breakfast tray.
"We've all been invited to a party, Walter."
"I do love a good party," Walter's monocle shone as he bent toward the tray and its remains. Walter continued, "Why... in my day I was invited to all the high society parties full of the royal and privileged. Most of them on my target list. Still, I managed to indulge in my small pleasures."

"Very good Walter," Integra managing a small smile.
With that, Walter took his leave. Integra was never sure of what Walter did around the estate. Meals, ammunition, and cigars are the only sure thing to Integra. And Alucard. Last time she'd seen Alucard, he was still laying in her bed, naked. But she was hoping he'd retreated to his own quarters in the basement. Shaking the thoughts away Integra rose from her seat to mind her still aching body and began making her way back to her sleeping chambers. Quiet as whisper Integra made her way down the hall in silence. She made her way back down the East wing. Charting her course carefully, with any luck she wouldn't run into anyone. But luck was not on her side.

"Afternoon, Lady Hellsing." The voice rang clear and absolute in the cavernous estate hall. Integra spun on her heels to see Lucy taking off her gloves before neatly tucking them into her never-ending bag. Integra felt the familiar rush of dread usually reserved for meetings with financial advisers. Countess and dedicated royal advisor and handmaid to the Queen, Lucy Lockheed. Lady Lucy was one of the few beings living or dead Integra feared. Serving the British Crown for centuries, the Lockheeds were a distant branch of succession that attempted to wage civil war on the Crown and their own family 200 years ago. As part of the peace treaty, the Lockheeds served the crown similar to how Alucard and over mercenaries aid the Hellsing Organization. The Lockheeds are generally an unpleasant bunch with few exceptions. Lucy was not an exception. Recognized for her impeccable knowledge of cosmetics and cloth, Lucy is the go-to fashion and etiquette advisor to the crown. Integra knew when she was a little girl that seeing old Lucy Lockheed means a day of meaningless formalities and preparation for seasonal formal events. Integra assumed she wouldn't have the displeasure of seeing Lucy until closer to the holidays or any formal plans the Queen and her court had. However, it seemed her luck had run out.
"Lady Lockheed. Pleasure," Integra forced out. Unphased the older rotund woman's face scrunched in clear displeasure before making a noise with her mouth and walking past Integra toward her living quarters at the end of the hall. Integra's heart shot into her throat at the thought of naked Alucard still lounging on her bed, awaiting her return and Lucy Lockheed strides in. On edge now, Integra quickly shuffled behind Lucy, trying to think of ways to stall the old women from infiltrating her room before she could make sure everything was okay. But Lucy was too quick and was already at the double doors that lead to her suit. Panic surged through Integra before she could stop her.

"LADY LOCKHEED! Please! I deserve to know why you are in my home and what exactly you intend to find on the other side of those doors!" Integras voice rang stronger than she thought possible and stopped the woman in her tracks, fingers poised on the knob. The only door between Lady Lockheed and an ancient vampire Integra somehow agreed to take on as a lover.

Lucy Lockheed was shocked as she removed her hand from the knob to turn toward Integra. "Lady Hellsing. A young woman who raises her voice is unbecoming. I am here on orders from the Queen. She's arranged for you all to attend a masquerade party and I intend to assure you won't embarrass the Crown. As the head of a secret supernatural underground royalty funded organization, you aren't too bright. I am here to assure you and your team are ready. I have no time for your families ungodly antics."

With that, Lady Lucy Lockheed flung open the door to Integra's living quarters and gasped.

"Your chambermaid hasn't been in to change the sheets? But you've already finished your breakfast! Don't your servants know anything? My Queens God, you people..." Lady Lockheed shuddering, bringing her grey overcoat closer to her pale chest. 

"We've been short-staffed, Lady Lockheed," Integra letting out a sigh of relief at the woman's complaint. The relief filling her with hormones of happiness, causing her chapped nipples to chafe. It was Integra's turn to shudder. She smiled as she walked in past the aging spinster as she uttered to herself, "It really is the small pleasures that tickle the soul."

Hello EveryBody. Long time, no talk.  But I am working towards healing. I hope you like this chapter. Please let me know what you think of my liberties and expansions within this universe. The next one is already underway. And I promise on my dogs, the next update won't take 3 months.

Until Next Time
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