Part 2 Challenge

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The Iron Maiden. Yes that's what they called her wasn't it? As if she had no access to her own sexuality. As if she had no sexuality at all. Of course that wasn't true at all. Granted she has never used her sexuality because well... she was never presented the chance. All her life she was either saving all of Europe and quite possibility the world, or she was giving orders. Or she was planning how to strengthen her family organization. This left little time for luxuries such as courtship and pleasantries. Well... she assumed they were pleasantries but of course she wouldn't know. She had just focused on the Hellsing Organization, not the Hellsing, Integra.

Of course it should be said that she wouldn't mind being courted if the right man came around. And she much preferred being the one in charge anyways. With power and structure she felt peace. She can never released her control, until she is alone at night, and sometimes not even then. There really is no man who would deal with her work, her lifestyle, and of course her. She knew she could be bit hot under the collar, but she had to be. It was simply the job. But it wears on you over time. And a job doesn't keep you warm at night... that is unless you decided to sleep in your office as she has countless times.

She had found herself many times awake in a different way than she remembered going to sleep. Whether it be on the couch in the office or back in her bed in her room. She would usually ignore these confusing changes.


Integra couldn't remember the last time she sleep so well. Integra was beginning to toss about in her bed, doing what she did best, collected herself and analyzed the current situation. With Alucards unwillingness to leave her alone, she just decided to sleep with him in the room. Although if she remembered, she hadn't really put up a fight.

Integra felt around her cool and smooth ivory colored nightstand for her watch. She glanced at the timepiece unable to tell the time of day from the amount of light being kept at bay by the heavy curtains. Taking a moment to let her eyes adjust and trying to use her eyes without the assistance of her glasses. Not convinced by what she sees, the Maiden slides her glassed on her face to recheck her clock. 9:00?! That cannot possibility be right! How did she not wake up? She hasn't sleep past 6:45 in years or on those rare occasions Walter insists she stays in bed till the ridiculously late time of 8 am if she has some sort of ailments. But nothing this late! She jumped out of bed and put on her blue plush bath rob over her gown and slippers to dash down to the kitchen to make sure the rest of the house wasn't in disarray at her absence.

The Iron Maiden burst through the door of the kitchen to see Walter polishing an already immaculate silver spoon and Alucard, drinking what was assumed to be blood from a wine glass.

"WHY HADNT ANYONE WOKEN ME UP YET? Half the blood day is gone! Walter! STATUS REPORT", spat the young lady.

Walter looked at Integra over the dazzling butter spoon in his hand, as he held it up to the light to check for any non-existent water stains.

"Good morning Sir. Lovely rest I take it? All things are functioning, operating effectively and with minimal effort, as is normal. Nothing new to report. And I was directed by Master Alucard that you did not need your regular morning wakeup call as he said he would be handling it". Walters' response was an eerie calm as always as he replaced the spoon for an equally pristine fork.

Alucard, whose face never reacted to the ruckus, remained unfazed.

Integra now further irritated and a twinge embarrassed replied "Well Alucard  isn't the master of this house. I am. And shall be the only one to make claims about what I do and do not need".

Before Integra could blink, Alucard put his drink on the table and was behind Integra. His breath warmed her ear and moved her messy hair.

"I'll be in my room" Alucard purred to Integra, causing her heart to skip, "where I will be available to you for any of your foreseeable needs, Master".

Alucard then stood, regaining his towering stature and stalked out of the room. Integra, too flustered to retort simply stood as Walter seemingly unaware of what just occurred, traded the silver for another equally immaculate spoon.


Later in her office, Integra tried to regain some sort of normalcy. Work was always a good distraction however, today there didn't seem to be much work that needed to be done. Before realizing it, the Iron Maiden was staring into space in her office allowing her mind to wonder. It eventually came across Alucard. And in the isolation, finally felt safe to let her mind tread on the topic.

'What was he doing right now? Probably sleeping. Does he dream? Good Heavens, what would Alucard possibility dream of?

Just then, there was a knock at the door that shock Integra free of her awakening dreams and back to reality.

"Yes, what is it?" the Lady barked.

In stroke the dark king of vampires. Alucard glided his way to the front of Integra desk. "I was wondering if you were interested in humoring me with a game of Chess."

"Chess?" Integra was taken aback slightly. "Why?"

"We used to play when you were a child, and now I wanted to see if you still had what it takes to beat someone who has been playing the game for many years", was his response. With a smug chuckle, "Of course you should assume there are stakes to this game, just like when you were a child."

Again, surprised but trying to contain this, the Hellsing replied simply "But of course. And what would those be?"

Alucards eyes seemed to glow at this as he leaned slightly forward as he allowed the words to spill out "Loser is at the mercy of the winner".

Majestic Desire (AlucardxIntegra)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora