Part 6- Conflicted

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Integra woke in her bed from what had to be one of the dirtiest dreams she has ever had. Naturally she has had secret thoughts and fantasies about people during the day, she was a fully grown adult after all. It has even gone as far as dreaming about it. Of course never acting on them... Well that is until.

Oh god. 

Last night was a dream right?

Her eyes fluttered open to try and asses the what was going on. She first noticed her curtains were slightly drawn but still allowed light to creep in. She then noticed she didn't have on any sleep trousers. She doesn't always wear them, but she couldn't even remember getting ready for bed or even going to bed for that matter. 

How did she get to bed?

With a shift of positions and a slight soreness and new feeling of her lower region brought all of what had accrued yesterday back flooding into her mind. She groaned at her own actions and weakness. It was not a dream. How could she have allowed herself to go that far with Alucard! He had touched her... in places only she has seen and touched. He had made her feel good in places she didn't even know she had. 

Sighing at herself and the memory and relaxing deeper into the bed in her quite realization, if only to herself, that she didn't exactly hate what happened yesterday. In fact, it was quite delightful and warmed her lower tummy to her heart and back to her toes just thinking about it. 

Dear God, what was she going to do now? How was she supposed to face him now? 

And what about the rest of her staff? Do they know of the torrid affair? Did they hear her anamilistic noises? 

Oh sweet lord...

Well, this day would not start itself and what came would come.


Where had this attitude come from? Yes the perspective of the house knowing she has sunken so low as to allow any kind of elicit or sexual relationships with her houses 'pet', was in its own, mortifying, but somehow at the same time Integra was not ashamed, nor was she sorry...

Now how could this be? Shouldn't she be planning a grand repent, not basking in the glory of her conquests?

Conflicted could be a word to describe how Integra felt.

She decided to throw her bedding to the side and get out of bed. Feeling an unusual sense of confidence and realizing a small grin was on her face, she strode out of her room down to the kitchen, in yes, just her shirt and underwear she had worn the day before... Oh hell, who was she fooling. She quickly made an about face and grabber her house coat (or rob as Americans called it) and continued on her stroll.  

Once she made it to the kitchen she was one again met with the sight of Walter polishing silverware.

"Morning Walter", Integra spoke more jolly than she had intended. 

"Morning Sir. Sleep well I presume" Walter responded without missing a beat of his task. 

"I most certainly did for your information" replied Integra, giving him a sassy tit for his tat. She was then taken aback by her own seemingly showboating attitude. Walter may not even know of her activities and she shouldn't give more away than she should. Returning back to the conversation in the present she was having, as she was not one to just space out, she continued,

"Must you polish those every morning Walter? Isn't there something else more meaningful you could be doing?"

"I quite enjoy doing this activity Sir. It is simple instead of the rather action packed ventures the Hellsing Organization usually finds themselves in. As I am a butler, it is nice to tend to a mess that isn't drenched in blood or riddled with the supernatural." Walter replied, holding up a spoon to the light to get a better look at the degree of water stains it had. 

"Good point, well made Walter. Is there anything for me to eat? I am starving" Integra replied frankly and rather casually as she about it. What has gotten into her? 

Or what will get into me?

"There is tea warm on the stove and a lemon square, your favorite, that was sent to us from the Arch Duchess as a thank you for helping her with her, infestation problem" Walter responded moving on to the butter knives. He was referring to of course the job they took care of a few weeks ago. The Arch Duchess of Cambridge thought her summer home was infested with rats because she thought she her scratching in the wall, yet never could find a rat. Of course it wasn't a rat, but rather a demon infestation trying to take over one of her children. Alucard transformed into his black demon dog form and eat it. Integra shuttered at the memory. She has seen a lot in her life, but that didn't mean she was immune to feeling disgusted. 

Alucard. She hasn't seen in since yesterday. He probably immediately left after she had seemingly passed out. Maybe he didn't want to see her again because of how easily she caved? Suddenly Integra felt less confident and more nausea. 

Of course... How could I have been so foolish...

"Of course I would be happy to warm your cake and make fresh tea..." Walter offered, to which Integra quickly interrupted "N-No, not necessary. Just finish playing with your spoons."

Integra poured herself a cup of the lukewarm cup of the earl grey and a lemon square. 

She then went into her office and didn't come out for the rest of the day. Walter took the hint and left a rewarmed up soup and chips by her door for her to eat at her leisure. She drowned herself in tea, smoke and paperwork till the sun dripped to the level of the properties forest. 

She was so focused on her self inflicted isolation and work purge, she didn't notice when the growing shadows moved to reveal the tall figure who was there to take his claim of her. 

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