Part 18 Mating

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The sound of the doors locking echoed in Intagra's mind. She had no idea how long the car ride would be or where they were going. All Integra knew was she is in a corset and trapped in the car with the King of Monsters. And without her gun too. This was the only way she was able to justify making both Walter and Sera go. Of course, the three Rolls Royce cars were as built like tanks and equipped with enough fire power for a small militia. Still Integra was in heels, a corset, unarmed up against Milliemnum and whatever organization Majestic is running. Odds never in her favor. So the usual with in a burlesque drag.  

Integra felt the car begin to drive forward but couldn't see much. A dark haze clouded the inside of the car. Reminiscent silk smoke permeating the air. The temperature was cozy and offered the smell of a fire pit and red wine.

"You've been avoiding me," Alucard voice boomed and surrounded her ,as if part of the cars sound system.  Integra knew Alucard developed a passion for technology over the years after the industrial revolution and throughout the new millennium. 

"I haven't. I've been busy. As you can see I'm out on business." Integra pleased her voice was steady. On the inside she felt hot and uneasy, yet excited and on edge.

"Mmm," was the car's response. "And this morning? When I listened to your heart as you crawled through the walls?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you. You know you don't own me. I don't know what godforsaken mess you've gotten me into but I will find a way to get out of it. I serve the Queen goddamn it. We both do."

The driverless Rolls Royce executed a perfect right turn exiting the property. Integra tensed when she noticed Walter and Sera's car weren't headed in the same direction. 

"What does that have to do with our mating?" Alucard's smooth voice permeating the air. Mating. The word was thick and sticky and smelled of commitment. 

"We are not mm-m..." Integra stumbling with the word. 

"Mated" Alucard finishing.

"That. We are certainly NOT That." Integra blaring to the car.  
The silence between them feeling like a heater on too high. Integra wished for the chill of the October to cool the tension. She realized how ridiculous she must sound. They were clearly Mated. Says the mark on her neck. Claims the call of her heart and the pull of her persuasion. She was his now. Something had shifted in the air. The natural order of things have changed. She'd found and Mated her soulmate. 

"When you find your Mate... or SoulMate you fulfill one of God's Divine Purposes as one of his servants. The Moon witnessed our mating. The Sun learned of it in the morning. Both Gods were appeased because their children Dusk, Twilight, SunSet, SunRise, Ash and The Phonix all rose and fell Today. You will know when we have upset the Gods, my Lady. Today is not that day."

 Alucard's voice materialized to the right of Integra. An outline of his dark form took shape and morphed in front of her eyes. Alucard emerged from a black silk veil of phantom bats. He was dressed in an all-black suit tailored to perfection. Silver embroidery laced the coat, vest, and shirt. His black mane was tied in a shoulder-length complex french ponytail complete with a red bow at the bottom. He looked nearly human in the last of the afternoon sun before it settled behind the trees.

Integra blushed at his words, "The Moon and Sun are God's?" "There is much you don't know my lady

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Integra blushed at his words, "The Moon and Sun are God's?" 
"There is much you don't know my lady. Like the fact that I would die for you. Not because it is my job or because I am bound by a curse. Your life- Your existence, is more precious to than anything else ever could be.

Alucard used his hand to brush a stray hair from Integra's face and cupped her cheek. They gazed at each other while he spoke to her, without using his mouth.
"Let me earn your trust. Let me in. I want to gain your respect. I want to have your admiration. Trap your love with mine forever." 

The Rolls took a smooth left before turning out onto a winding declining open road. Integra fell into Alucard's unique warmth. Without warning his arms were around her in an embrace. It felt like Saturdays mornings, with nothing to do. Easy and comfortable.  

They rode in silence as the English countryside darkened around them into the night. When they arrived Integra awoke before she realized she'd drifted. Opening her eyes she was met with a glimmering Moon reflected meadow. The meadow was lite by the stars and Moon, which seemed impossibly close. The Rolls turned itself off leaving them in a lasting stillness. Nestled into the crock of his side, Integra blushed before taking in a deeper breath of his scent. 

"We're here." Alucard's voice shook Integra's body.
"Where is here?" Integra asked in a hushed tone.
"You run away a week after your father died, and I came into your life. The staff looked an entire day. When night came and I heard of your disappearance, I found you within the hour. You'd wondered here with a backpack, map, and compass. You were posed at the end of that very dock looking up at the stars." Alucard's voice seemed to multiply and resonate as Integra was taken on a personal forgotten journey. 

Two blond pigtails, round glasses and father's safari hat.
But I wasn't running away, Integra remembered to herself. 
I was looking for something. 

A Tree. The tree of knowledge.
Her father thought he'd found it- not far from here. 
It was the last thing they were supposed to do together before he died.  

"Alucard, have you heard of the Tree of Knowledge? My Father thought it was supposed to be around there." Integra asked suddenly excited. Feeling like a little girl again. Blood warmed her face at the thought of her father and a mission direct from him. Something she thought she'd lost forever. 

"I remember it was what you were babbling about out here from hunger and near dehydration. I know of the legend. I was thought to be all over the world." Alucard's response was measured. 

"Alucard, do not patronize me. If my father said it was around here somewhere then that must be the case!"Integra in a low growl. She was being defensive and she knew it. But she couldn't herself. 

"Don't worry yourself, Mate. I know of the legend. If you desire to seek it out, I shall be by your side. I carried you home on my back that day. Perhaps this time..."

"Don't you even think about it!" Integra shouting back finishing his sentence. Her blonde brow was raised in question. The silence between them stretched until Alucard let out a howling laugh. Integra immediately blushed before joining in. It felt good to laugh, even in the discomfort for the corset. Still, Integra laughed with the King born from unknown darkness until her cheeks hurt and tears streamed down her face. She'd needed it. They needed it. This quite shared moment to find their footing before facing the enemy. 

They didn't say anything else when Integra laid back into Alucard when the Rolls roared back to life. The mark on her neck tingled when Alucards white lips caressed her forehead. Integra felt those familiar butterflies fly to her womanhood. They fluttered the rest of the way to the mansion of Majestic.

Sorry for any grammatical errors. Sorry for the wait. 
Next Chapter: Majestic :) <3
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