Part 12 His

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Are we all present? Are we all ready? This is the chapter we have ALL been waiting for. THE chapter. Yes THAT chapter. Prepare yourself friends, readers and followers. I am about to put my heart, energy and willpower into this chapter to make it the best I can. I can tell you, before I even start, this is not something to be read in public, at work, or in the presence of others. So cuddle up in bed or comfy chair. Grab a drink before hand. Make sure your harness is securely fastened because I am about to take you on a ride. Please keep your hands and feet to yourself and inside the ride at all times --                            Although it ain't my my business where you put em' ;)  

The song attached is the song I had on repeat for hours while I wrote this. If you right click on the video, you can press 'Loop' and have the song play on repeat while you enjoy.

So enjoy this ride with me, 

your loving, hard working, friendly, neighborhood writer

Faith Ackerman


PS. If you didn't catch the hint before hand, catch it now- WARNING. THIS WILL BE EXPLICIT. NOT SAFE FOR WORK, OR PUBLIC OR AROUND ANYONE YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE GETTING A LITTLE HOT UNDER THE HOOD AROUND. This chapter is going to get HEAVY. You have been warned....

And now, I'm taking off the gloves people.... So lets begin

Alucard watched Integra as she watched him

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Alucard watched Integra as she watched him. He took in her flushed nakedness. He drank her in... taking everything there was to take, and more. He would not let her get away from him. Not anymore. He was going to take what was meant to be his, leaving nothing left for anyone else- not even Integra. He wouldn't leave enough for even her. No. She had kept herself away from him for long enough. 

As he watched her pink chest rise and fall as she gazed at him. It began to do things to him. Something far more hypnotic than any sorcery he has ever seen. Seeing his Mate... exposed to him, doe eyed with love and admiration in her eyes for him, his body...his true nature, something... snapped. He planned on going easy on her their first time together. He planned to be slow and sensual. He knew she was fragile flesh and bone- A mortal he could break if not careful... But this need to mate with Integra was trying to overwrite any protective hexes, spells and restrains ever cast on him, The Vampire King.

He would worship her in every way possible, but it just wasn't enough. Seeing his love, love him, was the greatest pleasure in his dark existence. She was more than he deserved, but she was everything he had. And he would spend the rest of his existence proving his worthiness. Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, was his. He was blessed while cursed. And he was hers. In every sense of the word. 

A desired...

A want...

A need to give himself to her, and take her, was overwhelming. Impulse overtook his basic nature. It clouded his senses and judgement. Impaired in his need, he reached his bony white to his manhood and gripped it, hard. Dear God, it was overwhelming

Majestic Desire (AlucardxIntegra)Where stories live. Discover now