Part 13 A Gentlemens Conversation

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Hello everyone. When I asked my close friends if I should continue, since the deed between the two has happened, should I continue? I was advised to continue the story, but only under the promise that the story would not lose what made you all love it in the first place. I am sorry for the small wait for an update, but I needed to consult with myself and my muses on how to continue with this love story and keep its integrity. So here you all are. I do plan on continuing the story for now. When I feel it has lost its luster or meaning, I will stop (as many movie franchises should do). This chapter is a rather short one, but just enough to sink your fangs into. 

OH! I EDITED AND UPDATED THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER HIS. I can assure you it is a much better (so much dirtier) read. So please go re-read and come back.

Until next time

Enjoy ;)


The picture is of a young, Walter. Yummy right? I thought so too <3


Alucard never wanted to leave the feeling of Integra's warmth. He held her as she slept. There activities rendered her unconscious. He couldn't wait to spending the rest of his life being with her, like this, every night. She had been a hard sell to get to this point, and he didn't expect her to be any less of a challenge in the future. But he would be ready. He would spend an eternity chasing her. 

Reluctantly, Alucard forced him body to unwrap from around the sleeping Master. He motioned for his coat to come to him as he slowly stalked to the door. His blood eyes hung low, as he spotted the door nob, but opted instead to simply phase through it. With his coat hanging lazily from his shoulders acting as a rob, and nothing else, Alucard stalked through the Hellsing manor. A midnight snack sounded good after using so much energy.

Alucard stood in the large room used for the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of O negative, bare feet standing as his base on the chilly concrete floor. 

Alucard felt his presence without having to turn around. 

Walter strolled into the kitchen, blending in with the shadows of furniture and appliances. 

"Evening Walter" Alucard spoke, lifting the glass to his lips. 

A small scowl set in as he sniffed the contents of the long stem. It was bitter compared to Integra. No other blood could compare to hers. But he would have to make this due, in order to prevent a killing spree. 

"Evening Sir Alucard." Walter responded, leaning against an old cupboard next to the window; Sloth-like, he glanced out of the glass at the stars. Most of his body, cast in shadow as the moon highlighted his face.

"Have a good evening I trust?"

Alucard paused for a moment of reflection.

Yes. His evening has been... something. Something magical and wonderful. Something that he has been waiting an eternity for.

"Walter. You have been the butler here for as long as I have been the house pet. I'm sure you have outlived several evergreens. You always know what is going on around the Hellsing Manor, don't you?" While it was stated as a question, Alucard knew the answer.

"Why yes Sir, I suppose you are right"

"And I am sure you noticed the change of... atmosphere?"

"One could say, I have always known what was coming. We all did. It was why her father hated you so much. And why he stored you away in a cellar with the brandy."

"He should have known that wouldn't stop me"

"I am sure it gave him satisfaction to try, Sir"

"Walter, I feel as if I have known you a millennia, you do not have to remain so formal"

"I'll keep that in mind, Sir"

"Strange times have come to our doorstep Walter" Alucard remarked, making his way to a small wooden chair by the worn table in the middle of the kitchen. Sitting, he let his coat cover the creaking chair while it still draped over his naked shoulders. His coat did nothing to cover his glorious nakedness as he sat down, leaving himself open and raw to the world as he brought the glass back up to his lips. Getting comfortable in the seat, Alucard widened his bare legs stance bring his feet down with a smack, give a fair view of manhood.

"Times have always been rather strange, Sir" Walter regarded, unphased, maintain his gaze of the sky.

Alucard chuckled low, downing the rest of his snack. He already missed the feel of Integras' skin on his own. 

"If I may ask, Sir..."


"Did you find your evening, fulfilling Sir?"

Alucard regarded the question as he rotated the glass in his hand on the old wooden table. 

"I am as satiated as someone whose true hunger will never be satisfied." Alucard hummed as he believed he could ravage Integra for the rest of his time awake in this existence.

"Naturally, Sir"

Alucard tossed his raven hair over his ghostly skin in deep thought. 

"Do you miss her?" Alucard asked his oldest comrade.

"Every month, within everyday, in every moment I have breath".

"Would you have had children with her Walter? With what you know about the world? Even with monsters like me lurking in the darkness?"

"Would you give the Master a child if you could?"

Alucard downcast his gaze. He caught the small change in Walters tone. Even he, whose could feel almost nothing, could understand this desire. 

"I would die over a thousand deaths to protect them- To keep them alive in this dark world. I would assure their light never went out... If I were able to..."

"As would I, if they were alive. If any of them would have lived. Instead I die this death everyday, yet they do not live on." Walter responded, just above a whisper.

Silence settled between the two men. Alucard gazed at the Moon as Walter continued to draw an imaginary fantasy in the stars.

"I am sorry for your loses and pain, old friend" Alucards words swimming through the silence. 

"As am I"

With a smirk, Alucard lazily walked toward the door of the kitchen. He thought of using the shadows to get to his mate faster when Walter remarked, still gazing out at the stars,

"Make sure you give it to her good, old man"

Alucard let out a breathy chuckle and felt a smile twist on his face. Any passerby would swear it was downright devilish. 

"But of course, Sir. Of course"


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