yikes (important)

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so realizing now, i've touched on some things in those book (and other books too) that probably not the best to touch on; accidents within family, depression, self-harm, all that.  At the time of working on this book i had no clue what going through depression or self harm was like, or loosing someone to an accident was like and it wasn't my place to write about it, and with that i'm really fucking sorry. Like that shit probably should not have been in these books. So right now i'm just gonna go back and put some twitter warning before the chapter because i feel really bad looking at in now. Like shit. So again i'm like reaaalllyyy sorry that definitely wasn't my place to talk about, but me being a stupid 11, 12 years old was like lol eDgEy TeeNs Be LiKe so yeah i'm really sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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