His Arms...

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Your POV

We went home and saw Mark peacefully sleeping on the couch. Thank goodness! Oh my god I was worried. And now my side hurts again...... Wonder-fucking-ful. "I might take a power nap two, these last days have not been easy" Jack said laying down on the smaller couch by the couch Mark was on. Me and Ethan nodded and went upstairs to his room. We sat down on his bed and turned on T.V even though we went on our phones instead. "Hey Y/N?" Ethan asked. "Hmm?" I said. "I-I have something to tell you....." He said stuttering. "What's up?" I asked nervous. "Y/N I've liked you ever since I saw you, youre funny, cute, adorable as fuck, and all out amazing. I know I'm getting rejected but that doesn't stop me from loving you." He said. I stared at him in aw as he just said he loved me....... CrankGameplays loves me, an awkward, antisocial, dorky needy kid who seems emo but fucking isn't! "E-Ethan, I-I love you too...." I said and hugged him. He was so warm and I did really love him, his happy spirit and adorable charm has got me....... I've fallen for a YouTuber, a perfect match.

I layed in his arms scrolling through Tumblr looking at Phan posts cause why the hell not. "S-So are we a thing now?" Ethan asked. "I guess we are" I said. He smiled and we naturally leaned in. This was my first kiss besides the dare. He closed the gap between us as our lips met (End me now this is so weird to write ;-; And no........ No lemons......... Only fluffy llamacorns). We pulled away smiling and happy were finally the perfect match that was waiting to happen.....

Its been a month and Anti or Dark hasn't come back. Its relieving knowing they're him. "Hey, there's a big dance going on at a school near here, wanna go?" Ethan asked. I nodded and sat up only to be brought back down. "You're so warm" He said. I giggled and sat in front of him. He smirked as he pulled me closer (SO BABY PULL ME CLOSER IN THE BACKSEAT OF UR ROVER). Our lips met and I put my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist. We broke apart when my phone went off. (Yeh no lemons people NO FUCKINH LEMONS Only fluffos) I answered the call and it was about a job. "Hello?" I said. "Ah, hello, I'd like to call you about a job offer!" The lady said through the phone. "What exactly is the job?" I asked. "A night guard from 12 to 6, you'll be watching a pizzeria place for kids and family's alike! The animatronics do tend to wander a bit but do I blame them? No, if I sand the same old songs over again without a bath for 20 years, I'd be a bit irritated to, but don't worry everything will be fine! Just conserve your power and only use the doors If only absolutely necessary, like I said gotta conserve power, but yeah, I'll give you more info if you do show up! Cya!" She said and hung up. "What was that for?" Ethan asked. "A job offer" I said. "You gonna take it up?" He asked. "Yeah, its sounds edgy but I'm sure itll be fine!" I said. He nodded and we layed down together and watched a movie till it was time for my new job!

I walked in and it was quiet but kinda peaceful. I looked around and saw a stage with 3 animitronics on it. They looked so scary, I hated stuff like this, but I guess we'll see! It just might pay enough for rent and shit. I saw a little stage with purple curtains. A sign in front said "Sorry! Out Of Order" Which I guess was kinda creepy. There were bathrooms and then the kitchen, I mean it is a pizzeria. I found my way to the office and sat down. It was 12:30 so I had time to look around. It remenided me so much of a game that Mark played a while back but it couldn't possibly be the same place, could it?

I played around with the cameras and found out how the doors and lights work. I could freely move around but I didn't feel the need to. Why would I need to? Simply just check the cameras, check the doors every now and again and you'll be fine I guess. I sat on my phone until midnight, and finally it was 12am, let's get the job started!

WC: 787

OH SNAP UR JOB IS KINDA EERY but you'll get through it, hopefully. But hope u guys enjoyed and had a great New Years! I wish u all luck on 2017 i know I'll need it xD but yeah see u in the next chapter! Baii


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