Crazy Fangirls

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Your POV

We walked outside and saw the mist beautiful thing........ Mark and Jack kissing. HOLY SHIT DID I WANT TO SCREAM AND JUMP ALL AROUND AAHHHHHHHH! I kept my cool though. Me and Ethan just watched, smiling. When they finally broke apart, they were suuuupppeerrr red, like they were the color of Marks red hair color, when he had it of course, he dyed it back to black now. They looked at us which made them blush more, if thats actually fucking possible. Ethan recorded the whole thing, but when they looked up, he quickly put his phone away and stopped recording. "H-How much did you see?" Mark asked. "The part where you two kissed~ and AHHHHHHH!" I screamed. I'm pretty sure people in fucking Antarctica could here that. "Sorry had to get that out" I said smiling. Ethan laughed and Mark and Jack kept blushing up a storm. (SARAH SMILES LIKE SARAH DOESNT CAREE!!!! Sorry :3) We all walked to the car and drove back. (SHE LIVES IN A WORLD SO UNAWARE!!!!! I'm so sorry ;-;)

We got back to our houses, and I went to my house, for once. I walked in and went to my computer. I went on YouTube. I thought about making a YouTube channel for a while and never did, I was always so shy, but now, I mean its worth a try. I turned on my camera and started doing random shit. "Hello everyone it is I, your new favorite cause ehehe let's be real, I'm hilarious" I said sarcastically, spinning around in my chair, almost falling. "Didn't fall!" I said and continued doing random shit.

I uploaded the video and waited a bit, in the mean time I watched some Leafy and some of Ethans videos.

I was watching some Leafy when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and answered it, I opened it and saw a girl with something behind her back. "Hello?" I said confused. She pulled out what was behind her back and it revealed to be a fucking gun. "Ummm...." I said scared. "You took away my man, now I take away your life" She said. She pointed the gun at me and had her hand on the trigger. "Ok, look I have no fucking clue what your talking about, I don't know what I did" I said. I'm honestly scared for my life, I mean I'm being held at gunpoint. "You took Ethan from me" She said. "What? What the hell do you mean?" I asked. "I've been eyeing Ethan for a while now, but ever since you moved in, he fell in love with you, not me" She said. Ok, who is this crazy fangirl who's trying to scare other fans? "Ok, just put down the gun" I said. She pulled the trigger and I moved, but also fell because my leg hasn't healed yet, but she just tried to fucking shoot me, with a real gun. "What the hell?!" I yelled. She had a silencer so it wasn't to loud. "This gives my just enough time to end you" She said. "What the fuck? Dude, you almost just killed me! Calm the hell down, just because you have this crazy obsession over Ethan doesn't mean your gonna fucking get him" I said. "Oh, I will, and I'm not stopping till I do, I'll be back, Y/N" she said and walked off. How the he does she know my name? And how dies she know where I live? I slowly got up and propped myself up with the railing of the staircase. I'm starting to feel that whenever I'm in my house alone, crazy shit happens. I don't feel safe in my home anymore, wow, now that's sad. I walked over to Marks house watching out for more crazy fangirls. I knocked on the door and Jack answered. "You ok, we heard what sounded like a gunshot" He said, sounding worried. I didn't want to worry them anymore then what they already are with Dark and Anti kinda loose or some shit. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said simply. He smiled and let me in. I sat down on the couch next to Ethan and watched T.V with him.

It was getting late and I didn't want to sleep alone so I asked if I could stay the night. They of coursesaid yes. I insisted on sleeping on the couch but Ethan said I can sleep with him. (Not going there ya nastys) We walked up to his room and we layed there for a bit and watched movies.

WC: 770

MMKKAIII MY FRAAMMM ALAM RAM HERES ANATHA ONE COMIN AT YA XD cause pears, anywho hope u enjoyed and I'll see u in the next chapter, baiii~

The Asshole ~*Sky*~

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