Percy cracked a smile at Leo's antics, but his expression turned serious just as quickly. He explained, "Luke loved Annabeth, and I guess he still does. He kidnapped Annabeth to keep her all to himself, and he's trying to kill the rest of us. Tyson was kidnapped here as well. Luke almost tricked Harry and Ginny into killing him, but thankfully they didn't. Harry and Ginny are right over there. I think they're both unconscious, and no, her parents were not drunk when they named her."

"A lot of guys like Annabeth," Calypso smiled sadly. It wasn't wistful. More like she was reminded of something she used to find annoying, but now it just seemed silly to her.

"Uh, I guess? It's not a good thing, though. Not when said guy kidnaps you."

"Have you kidnapped any girl recently, then?" Leo joked.

"No," Percy said sensibly. He looked to Calypso. "You're good at healing, right? Can you help Harry and-"

"Sure," Calypso agreed, before Percy could even finish asking.

"One thing, though," Leo interrupted as they walked in the direction of the two fallen wizards.

Percy glanced at Leo, whose face was grimy and blotched with motor oil. "What?"

"We dropped a weapon. That's why we landed in the first place, and then we saw the hydra. Do you happen the know what happened to our bow and arrows? They're really important."

"Oh, those was yours?" Percy grimaced. "Sorry, I used all ten to kill the hydra. I thought it was a gift from the gods, the number of arrows being the same as the number of hydra heads and all. Sorry."

"It's fine," Leo assured. "It was our first batch of sure-shot arrows, but we'll make more."

"Sure-shot arrows?" Percy repeated, reaching Harry and Ginny. Calypso knelt down to check their injuries.

Leo nodded. "I made them myself. There are little chips in them that automatically help them aim and fly towards the desired direction of the archer."

"How did they know where to land, though? I never indicated." Percy scratched his head.

"Hm." Leo seemed to think about this. He shrugged. "Must be a defect. The arrows must've assumed where you wanted them to hit. I'll make a second batch, better this time. The arrows are supposed to sync up to the bow, which will be connected to your brain. It's kinda like Bluetooth. They're easy to make, but a pain in the ass to find the material for, though."

"If you're done talking about the arrows..." Calypso gestured towards Ginny. "I can't heal the cut on her head, nor can I fix his burns. I could if I had my powers, but..."

"It's okay. How about Tyson?" Percy nodded to his brother, who was snoring softly by Harry's side.

"He'll be fine." Calypso placed a green bandage-looking thing on his head. "Aloe Vera should help. He overwhelmed himself with the flames, but Cyclops are immune to fire, so he'll get back on his feet soon enough."

And, as if to prove a point, Tyson stood up dizzily. "I'm fine," he clarified, his voice faint.

"You sure?"

"Yes," he said, more firmly this time.

"Can you help us tell the others? They could either be in the house or around it. I doubt they'd leave without us," Percy said. Tyson nodded, telling him that it was no big deal and that he would be able to accomplish that.

Percy lifted Harry with his arms. "Help me bring them to Festus, will you? You can give Tyson one of your weapons, too. Harry and Ginny are in no condition to fight anymore. We're sending them to Hogwarts. Madam Pomfrey can heal them."

Leo cocked a brow. "Hogwarts?"

"I'll tell you about it on the way there."

They walked past Luke, and though Percy had foolishly believed the Son of Hermes was dead, Luke proved otherwise as he choked out, "So you knew all this while?"

Percy nodded. He assumed that Luke had heard them talking, and had figured out the truth.

"You won't succeed in defeating me," Luke croaked.

Leo kicked Luke once. "Man, you should be dead by now. I could practically feel your bones rattling in your body."

Percy cringed at Leo's unnecessary description of Luke's condition. He stared at Luke coldly.

"You promised her, Luke."

Then he walked away, Tyson, Leo and Calypso trailing behind him, never looking back.

"Now that we've got Nico, we have to f-find Annabeth," Katie panted, breathing heavily as she and her friends had sprinted out of the Manor, for fear of being caught.

They hadn't been let off easily.

Monsters kept coming in their way, but for some reason, Luke never showed up. Either his recruits had forgotten to notify him on their escaped prisoner, or Luke was occupied with something much bigger and the monsters hadn't had the opportunity to tell their master.

Anyway, they had just exited the Manor through the backdoor- on Silena's advice, of course. She told them that the front door was heavily guarded with ancient spells, and only the backdoor was left open just in case those working with Luke- or against Luke, in their case- needed a way to get in or out of the Malfoy house.

Facing the large canopy of trees that was the Malfoys' backyard, the group was at a lost on what to do as the rest of their friends were missing.

Travis had suggested that they fight Luke head on and get rid of his forces, but Nico hadn't eaten well in days. He was in no shape to fight, and, knowing Nico, he probably wanted to.

And, as if that wasn't enough, Nico was weaponless, too. His sword had been confiscated, and he still hadn't found it.

However, no one wanted to get an earful from Will, so they opted that option out and begun to brainstorm on other ideas.

"How about we search around the Manor for the others-"

"No." Silena shook her head, shutting Neville's idea down instantly as they walked further into the forest, thinking it would provide them with some sort of camouflage. "It's too dangerous. Katie's limping, for Aphrodite's sake. Nico can't possibly fight in his condition."

Katie begun to protest. "I can still fight-"

"Or," Luna offered, raising her voice over her friends, "we could find a way to save Annabeth right now."

They stopped walking.

Right before them was a hut, and through the pane windows, they could all see Annabeth Chase repeatedly stabbing the ground, a stack of marble tiles- which had been removed by her and thrown aside- next to her.

She was trying to dig her way out of her prison.

Annabeth, seeming to have sensed their presence, looked up, and when she saw them, she wore an expression that read: finally someone finds me.

SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz