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"Firs'-years! Firs'-years this way!" Hagrid's voice boomed over the thunderous chatter of the students.

The demigods eyed the half-giant warily, all of them exchanging nervous glances.

"Who's that?" Nico asked.

"That's Hagrid. He's half-giant, but he's harmless, really. One of the nicest people we've ever known," Ron said, waving at Hagrid's direction, who smiled and waved back.

"Is he... dangerous?"

"No! Percy, why would you think that?" Hermione said.

"We just don't have the greatest experience with giants, see," Travis reasoned.

The wizards nodded, heading towards Hagrid. The demigods had no choice but to follow.

"Hagrid!" Harry smiled.

"Harry!" Hagrid exclaimed, a twinkle in his eyes. "Are those the new students with ya? McGonagall told me ter handle them! Got ter sort them with the firs'-years."

"I'll meet you guys in Hogwarts somehow," Nico told them. "See you at the castle."

The group nodded, saying their goodbyes as Nico walked away, venturing on his own.

Although the demigods would've preferred to steer clear from the half-giant, they had no say in the matter as they reluctantly parted ways with the wizards, following Hagrid to the boats.

Since the boats could only fit four first-year students, and being bigger, Percy and Annabeth had to share a boat with Hagrid, whilst Travis and Katie shared another one.

The eleven-year-olds gawked at the older students, whispering among themselves.

"So, Hagrid, how did the whole half-giant thing come to be?" Percy asked awkwardly.

"Mum's a giant and me dad's a wizard. I'm gamekeeper of Hogwarts and the teacher of Magical Care of Creatures. Full name's Rebeus Hagrid."

Annabeth nodded. "I'm sure you already know our names. Could you tell us more about Hogwarts?"

Hagrid smiled warmly, and though the memories he was about to share weren't all good, he was still fond of some of them just the same. "Lemme me tell yer 'bout Harry's firs' year. Brave little one he was. Still is. It all started when his Uncle and Aunt hid magic from him..."

By the time they reached the castle, Hagrid was only done with Harry's second year.

"Ask Harry to tell yer! He wouldn't mind!" Hagrid called after them as Percy and Annabeth got off the boat, reuniting with their other friends.

"Where do you think we're going to be sorted?"

Percy looked at Annabeth quizzically. "Sorted?"

"Weren't you listening to anyone here? Everyone has mentioned the sorting, Percy!" she said exasperatedly.

"Well, I didn't hear it," he retorted stubbornly, folding his arms in reply to Annabeth rolling her eyes. "Tell me about it."

"It's where we're all sorted into different houses, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Gryffindor for the brave and chivalrous, Ravenclaw for the smart and wise, Hufflepuff for the loyal and hardworking, and Slytherin for the ambitious and cunning."

"Wait... Does that mean we'll be sorted into different houses?" Percy frowned, looking at his friends skeptically.

"There's a possibility," Katie said.

Although Percy was slightly bummed out, he was curious about which house he would go to, and what he would experience in his house.

"Hufflepuff for the loyal, huh?" he muttered under his breath as he followed the stern woman that led the first-years and his friends.

Percy knew he should've expected it. The Sorting Ceremony would be far from normal with the demigods around.

It was going smoothly when the first-years were sorted, but when Annabeth's name was called out, murmurs could be heard as everyone in the hall noticed the older students.

Annabeth strode forward, taking much quicker to reach the stool than the eleven-year-olds.

She sat on the stool, and the hat was placed on her head, resting comfortably on top of her soft blonde curls.

She shut her eyes closed, muttering, seeming to disagree with whatever the Sorting Hat said. Percy was starting to wonder what she was talking to the hat about.

"Alright, then. It seems the house suited for you is..."

Annabeth fidgeted with the hem of her robes, feeling insecure as the Sorting Hat went through her memories, one by one.

The scenes of Tartarus caused her to flinch, immediately telling the Sorting Hat to move on. Happier memories such as her time with Percy after the Titan War replayed in her mind, and she allowed the hat to continue looking through them as she happily relived the moments.

"Hm... What's this?"

Annabeth's lips instantly curled downwards as the hat had reached too far, finding its way through her memories of Luke.

"Stop that," she snapped to the hat, and sighed in relief as the hat heeded her words and stopped sorting through her memories.

"It's hard for you, Miss Chase. You have gone through much. However, your strongest traits are your intelligence and bravery. Where do you think you'll end up?"

Annabeth pondered the question, hearing the words coming out of other students' mouths.

"She's a hat stall..."

"She's taking too long!"

"At this rate, we'll be here all evening!"

Annabeth growled softly to herself in frustration as the noise from the people around her refrained her from thinking clearly.

Finally, she made a decision, and the Sorting Hat nodded, agreeing with whatever she was saying.


Students cheered and clapped for the new student, and the Gryffindors applauded loudly, welcoming their new housemate warmly. Hermione patted the seat next to her, offering Annabeth to sit next to her.

She accepted the offer graciously, placing herself next to Hermione, exchanging looks with Percy, a content smile on her face.

When Percy met Annabeth's eyes, he knew what she meant as they seemed to be conversing with their eyes.

Annabeth wanted him to be sorted into Gryffindor as well, hopefully with Travis and Katie by their side.

But as he watched Katie get sorted into Hufflepuff, Percy began to wonder where he would belong, and whether he would fit in in the new school he was attending.

Soon, it was Percy's turn, and as he walked towards the Sorting Hat, he looked at Annabeth nervously, his girlfriend giving him a assuring smile in return.

He placed himself on the stool, waiting patiently for the Sorting Hat to be placed upon his head, expecting it to speak in his mind like everyone else.

Except, he was wrong, of course, as the Sorting Hat spoke loud and clear, allowing every person in the Great Hall to hear their conversation, clinging to every word the Sorting Hat uttered.

"Hello, Percy Jackson."

SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Where stories live. Discover now