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"What did you just say?!"

"Who's that?" Annabeth questioned as they neared Qudditch Quality Supplies, Travis having heard of Qudditch and wanting to see a broom.

"Harry," Percy said, recognising the boy's voice.

"Come on, Potter. We all know how many people died because of you," a blonde boy sneered.

"Harry, stop it!" Hermione shrieked, trying to block Harry from attacking Draco.

"If it isn't the Mudblood!" Draco called out, the smirk never leaving his face.

"Don't call her that!" Ron yelled.

"I can call her whatever I want! You should keep your mouth shut, Weasel, we all know you're hopeless anyway."

"Why, you-"


"Now what do we have here? Little dumb blondie doesn't know her place," Draco snarled, taking a step towards Annabeth.

"I am not a dumb blonde," she retorted, giving Draco a death glare. If looks could kill, he would have been dead by now.

"You are just a girl," he laughed maliciously. "Yet you think you're so good?"

"Bet I'm better than you," she challenged.

"Don't talk to me like that," he growled, raising a clenched fist.

"I'd advise you not to mess with her," Percy smirked, watching intently as Annabeth's grey eyes calculated Draco's every move, preparing to fight him.

"What's a girl going to do to me?"

"No, seriously. Don't," Travis warned. "I've experienced what that girl can do."

"Yeah, right," Draco snorted, his fist aiming for Annabeth's face.

He attempted to throw a punch, but in the matter of seconds, he was on the ground, Annabeth pinning him down. There was a loud crack.

"Well, a dumb blonde girl just proved you wrong, so get lost and stop bothering them or I'll give you more than a twisted ankle," she threatened dangerously.

Draco limped away, his gang scurrying behind him.

"Thought I was going to have to punch him again," Hermione grumbled. "Thanks."

"No problem. Who's the kid?"

"Draco Malfoy," Harry spat. "Been our arch nemesis since first year. He fought for Voldemort during the war, but I thought he would've changed after this whole mess. Guess I was wrong."

"Seriously, he's just like Octavian," Percy muttered.

"Who's that?" Ginny piped up.

"Old enemy. Doesn't matter."

"So what's Hogwarts like?" Annabeth asked eagerly.

"It's amazing, really. You guys will love Hogwarts," Harry said, looking down to his watch. "We best be going. We were supposed to meet Molly fifteen minutes ago to go back home and eat dinner."

At the mention of dinner, Percy's stomach grumbled.

"You guys can come along if you want. Mum always cooks too much. I'm sure it'll be fine if you guys join," Ron offered.

"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks," Katie smiled.

Everyone sat in the living room, though some of the adults were in the kitchen since there wasn't enough space.

SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Where stories live. Discover now