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Ginny didn't know whether or not to believe Tyson, but she glared at Draco. "Was this Cyclops saying that when you were running from it?"

"No." Draco shook his head frantically. "The Cyclops chasing me was vicious. This one seems harmless."

Tyson tilted his head. "Are you three friends of Percy?"

"I am," Harry replied. "So is Ginny. The other boy is not."

"So I can kill him?"

Ginny raised a brow at Draco. "This one seems harmless, you say? He seems about ready to kill you."

"Not yet," Harry told Tyson. "Tyson, how did you get here?"

Tyson's face scrunched up, as if the memory was fuzzy. "I was with Ella and Rachel. We were going to Camp Jupiter. Then an arrow hit me. Things became dark. But Ella and Rachel is not here. I hope not. Ella cannot get hurt-"

"I'm sure she's fine," Harry reassured when he realised Tyson was starting to panic, though he had no clue who Ella was.

"I only just woke up," Tyson continued, apparently feeling better after hearing Harry's assurance. "I was in this room. When I woke up, I saw another Cyclops leaving. A blonde man was with him."

Ginny tried to keep up with the information as best as she could. "So you mean a blondie- who, by the way, could be the Malfoys or Luke- swapped you with the Cyclops that was attacking Malfoy?"

"Yes, I think so."

"So this was a trick!" Harry's nostrils flared. "Malfoy, you wanted us to kill an ally! Not only that, he's Percy's brother!"

"You believe that thing?!" Draco looked offended. "You heard it! It said it was swapped! How would I possibly know that?!"

"You lie, that's how," Ginny said. "And Tyson's a he, not an it."

Draco waved Ginny's correction and accusation off. "I was out of breath. How do you think I achieved that? By running around in circles in my own house?"


"I didn't even know you would be in my room!"

Ginny huffed. "Whatever. At this point, there's no use in not trusting Tyson. If he's really who he says he is, Percy would kill us for abandoning him."

"Then, what, we let this Cyclops follow us around even though we don't know for sure that we can trust it?" Draco stared at Ginny bewilderedly.

"'Us'?" Harry winced. "Sorry, Malfoy, but we aren't killing Tyson. That means you're going to return to your room like you promised, and you're going to get out of our way."

If Draco was hurt by Harry's words, he didn't show it.

"Right," Draco said coldly. He whirled around and retreated to his room.

Silence followed after the Malfoy boy left. Harry didn't know what to do now. They had rescued Percy's brother, but now what? Were they supposed to wander around the Manor, a Cyclops following behind?

He supposed there wasn't another option.

"Let's go." Harry opened the door wider. "We can still go find Nico-"

SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Where stories live. Discover now