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"This way," Luke guided. He led Annabeth deeper into the forest, their feet crunching on the fallen brunches.

"Where are we going?" Annabeth inquired. Luke had brought her behind the Manor, directing her towards the marsh the Malfoys' kept behind their home.

Luke didn't answer. Foolishly, the Daughter of Athena wasn't disheartened, thinking nothing was wrong. She assumed the others would be fine, and they wouldn't notice her and Luke's disappearance.

After all, they seemed deep into conversation the last time she glanced their way.

They walked a bit further, and finally, Luke came to a halt. Annabeth stopped behind him.

"What's this?" Annabeth asked again, staring at the tiny hut before her. It resembled the home of Hagrid, the Gamekeeper of Hogwarts, whose home she had been to once when Harry, Hermione and Ron invited her and her friends.

"Go inside," Luke instructed. His voice was light and calm. Annabeth heeded his words.

Once she was inside, she admired the shelves of books placed around the hut, her fingers trailing over the fireplace. She didn't know how Luke knew of this place, but she knew that it was beautiful. She sat at the couch wedged between two shelves, and was quick to realise that she didn't feel warmth wash over her- a sensation Annabeth missed dearly from the seats of the Gryffindor Common Room.

Unfortunately, her house's Common Room had lost its touch the moment she had stopped being friends with Hermione and the others. Ever since then, she couldn't help but imagine the comforting memories she had once had with her friends whenever she entered the Common Room.

The hut was different. It gave off a sense of unfamiliarity, unlike the dorms back in Hogwarts. She rested her hand on the side of the bookshelf to her right, and instead of feeling the contentment of having endless raw knowledge right before her like how it was for her in the library of Hogwarts, she could only feel the dust that clung to the surface of the bookshelf's wood stick to her hands.

But Annabeth dusted off the feeling of uneasiness settling in the pit of her stomach just like how she brushed off the dust particles on her hand. The hut didn't provide warmth like her Common Room once did, but it was still beautiful, and left her in awe nonetheless.

Finally, Annabeth looked away from the columns of musty books and at Luke. He looked slightly younger for some reason unknown to Annabeth, but she assumed it was just a trick of the light. "Why are you showing me this?"

"You're staying here for a while," Luke said. His response was too vague for Annabeth's liking. Why was he telling her to stay there? She had a quest to complete. The hut had only been a small distraction, she thought, but was confused when Luke implied that she'd be staying. The lighting in the hut was dim, but Annabeth swore that she saw a mixture of pity, guilt and misery flash over his face.

"What do you mean?" she questioned cautiously. The dread that rested in her stomach grew rapidly. What was Luke doing? She had a feeling that she'd get the answer soon, and that she wouldn't like it very much.

"I'm sorry," Luke apologised quietly, leaving Annabeth's lips to part in shock, confusion overwhelming her brain. Then Luke stepped out of the hut, and before she could say anything, he slammed the door shut. She heard a lock click behind him, and could pick up the sound of Luke running away.

The cackling fire in the fireplace had seemed to keep her warm in the harsh winter afternoon just seconds ago, but at that moment, the hut seemed icy cold, leaving her teeth chattering and her hands numb.

Suddenly Annabeth felt like the hut wasn't that beautiful anymore- not when she realised that Luke had just trapped her in it.

Harry wasn't exactly pleased when he arrived at the Malfoy Manor.

The place held traumatic memories for both him and his friends, and he hadn't wished to visit the Manor anytime soon.

Alas, luck was never on the Chosen One's side, and he had no choice but to apparate to the home of the Malfoys' in order to save Nico.

After fighting what Harry learnt were Empousai, two new strangers had appeared out of nowhere, introducing themselves as Luke and Silena. Apparently they were friends of the demigods, but were supposed to be dead. Harry didn't know. He didn't meddle much. He knew it wasn't his business.

Him and his friends stared at the gates of the Malfoy Manor, and at the house itself, knowing that they would have to break into it later on. Rage and misery battled in Harry's mind as his eyes took in every bit of the Manor. He glanced away for a bit, feeling his brain ache with pain as he recounted his recent memories, and looked at his best friends instead.

Hermione looked like she was using every bit of her power to refrain herself from falling. Her skin was pale and her lips tinged blue. Ron put his arm over her shoulder, whispering comforting words in her ear. She nodded, a tear streaming down her face.

Ginny and Neville were observing Percy, Luna, Travis, Katie and Silena interact, while Hermione and Ron took to watching Annabeth and Luke, deciding that it would do them no good if they continued to let bad memories flash through their minds at the sight of the Malfoy Manor. Harry followed their example, and quickly took note that Annabeth had tears glistening in her eyes. The way she looked at Luke, Harry wondered if Percy was the only boy Annabeth had fallen in love with. Still, Harry knew that Annabeth would never dream of leaving Percy. He had witnessed it himself. They were inseparable, and utterly in love.

"Oi, we gotta go," Ginny said, nudging Ron. Harry followed her gaze, and saw that Luna and the others were beckoning them over.

"What's up?"

Percy looked at each of them, his eyes blazing with intensity. Tsunamis seemed to be churning in his deep sea green eyes, and his voice sent volts of electricity down Harry's spine when he spoke. "We have a plan."

"A plan?" Neville repeated. "To save Nico?"

"Yes and no," Katie answered. "We're saving Nico, obviously, but while we're at it... we have to stop Luke as well."

"I'm lost," Hermione announced, "and that doesn't happen often. What's going on? We have to stop Luke?"

The demigods explained the situation to the wizards. The whole time Silena kept quiet, her eyes shifting to the horizon, where the sun was setting. Halfway through, Annabeth and Luke left to go somewhere, but Silena promised Annabeth would be safe. That was the only time she spoke- only to assure Percy that Annabeth would be fine and that Luke would be coming back soon to kill them. She told them that it was part of his plan.

"What are we waiting for then?" Harry demanded, not wanting to wait around for Luke to come along. "We have to go save Nico before he comes back."

"We don't have a way into the Manor," Luna pointed out, referring to the many ancient spells weaved in and out of the Malfoy Manor to create a security system that was impossible to break into. "We need permission to enter- only then would we be able to get in."

"I hate that part," Travis grumbled. "Not even I can break into the gates. Trust me, I tried. The locks are too hard to manipulate- even for a Child of Hermes like me."

"Then we have to trick Luke into getting us in somehow," Ginny said. She still wasn't used to her friends openly talking about their godly parents.

"Just in time," Silena said in a low voice. Everyone followed her gaze, and sure enough, Luke was running towards them, his expression mixed with concern and fright.

Percy clenched his fists. Annabeth wasn't with him. "Where's Annabeth?"

"She's... she's been held hostage by Lucius Malfoy, the owner of this house."

SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Where stories live. Discover now