Chapter 19

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Unknown area


So they're training I see. That won't help them in the upcoming war...

Now that I have created more of my... ...creations.

Surely it will be difficult for them to win the war.. But who said they were going to win this war?

They won't stand a chance. Why?

Because I, End, Primordial god of Destruction, will win this war before the war has even begun.

I then took a step closer.

A step closer to the war zone.


Planet Chaos


I was doing work on Planet Chaos, helping the people of my planet. (I honestly do not what to say here to uh, continuing on!) When I felt a familiar feeling in my chest..

He was coming.

He was arriving.

He was one step closer.

He was almost here.

(You know how much I love making things dramatic and suspenseful~!<3)

"Oh no no..."

I looked up at the sky.



I was walking to the Tharraléos cabin since I was done training the campers for the day. It was night time, anyways.

Just as I was about to open the door to the room I suddenly got a splitting headache.

I held into the door knob, leaning against the door to hold myself up.

My mind felt like it was dying, getting split in half, getting disintegrated-- something! My whole head just started hurting.

I didn't know what was happening.

How the heck am I suppose to write a chapter when I don't really know what to do? Simple. I don't.

That's why I wrote this chapter. I had a little idea. To add a little suspense! I didn't really know what to so I was like...

Me: let's not do cliffhanger. Can't leave them hanging.

Sadist mind: Do itttttt!! You need to update~ just leave them hanging in the dark~ at least you have something done~

Me: but--

Sadist mind: you're gonna let them do those comments again?

Me: no... I'll just run again.

Sadist mind: exactly. Update with this idea then run away!

Me: uh okay. Good idea!

So there you go. Also I'm busy with school. I just need to make it into A honor roll at school, one more time then I'm in academics and I get to keep my electronics! I'm actually paying attention in class this year! I want a nice life with computers surrounding me and electronics.

So basically yeah I've been studying! Ew studying I don't study. But I do.

Hope you like the cliff hanger! Thank my sadist mind~! Yeah I got problems. I like to see people's reaction and just mess with their emotions a lot...


Your friend,


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