Chapter 20

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Long Island - Camp Half-blood


I was laying in bed, thinking about plans for the upcoming war.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard something fall outside the cabin door.

I got up from my position, swinging my legs off the bed and walking towards the door.

I opened the door, and saw none other than Commander Divine on the ground, by the looks of it he collapsed. But how? He's never collapsed out of exhaustion.. Not even when he was sick.. But apparently he did when he was really young. Way before he got sent to Earth... What could this mean?

Could he be sick again?

Could he be dying?

Maybe the others will know?... Or maybe Chaos knows.. I should ask Chaos for help.

I grabbed Divine, put him on my back then went back in the cabin.

The first one to react was... Well, me.

I laid him down on his bed, letting him rest. Hopefully he'd wake up soon, but then again he just passed out.

I hear a door open as I see Huntress and Angel enter the cabin. Looks like they've been practicing their archery. Not that they need anyone practice or anything.

"Hey guys." I said, waving at them.

They stopped and glared at me.

"I-I uh, I mean ladies." I said nervously, correcting myself.

They smiled and waved back to me, soon their smiles slipped off their face as soon as they saw Divine.

"What happened?" Huntress asked.

I frowned. "I don't really know. I just heard something collapse against the cabin door, and when I open it I see Divine here laying on the ground unconscious."

Huntress and Angel were confused. I was the only one that knew about Divine's sickness as a child. I was the only one that Chaos told about Divine's sickness. The only way that we could help him now is by calling... Chaos.

"Uh, I have to talk to Chaos privately..." I said awkwardly.

Huntress raises an eyebrow at my suspiciousness but waves it off and lets me go.

I quickly walk into a different room that's more private where I can quietly contact Chaos without any disturbance.

I walked over to the chair and desk in the room, and sat in the chair. I then did a secret code to call Chaos. I tapped the desk 4 times with my knuckles, snapped twice, spelled "CHAOS" in the air, then slashed my arm straight from the side through Chaos' name. (A/N: How many of you actually did this secret code, please tell me... Cause I sure did...)

Of course the secret code only worked if you were part of Chaos' army or had contact with Chaos. If a random stranger found out without permission it wouldn't work at all.

Sure enough the air rippled in front of me and I saw Chaos.


Chaos looked at me.

"Alpha? What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's Divine, I think he has the... The sickness again."

Chaos' eyes widened.

"Why do you think that? What happened?"

"He collapsed. That's unlike him to just randomly collapse. That's just out of the blue! You did tell me about his sickness when he was younger, and I just thought that it might be connected..."


"Chaos?" I asked, confusion and concern filling up my mind.

"I was just thinking. When he was younger, the sickness just stopped all of a sudden. It may be coming back. Alpha, I never told you this but End did visit Divine when he was younger. This was before his sickness occurred and before End decided to be the... Well, end of everything. End decided that he would try to take over the universe. He thought he could manipulate Divine by giving him the sickness he now has, so that Divine would be under his control. Luckily, I had managed to cast End away but Divine had the sickness for a couple of years." He explained.

"Wow..." I was speechless. "I can't believe that he went through all of that." I said slowly. That was when a question came up to me. "Wait, so doesn't that mean that Div--"

I was cut off by a noise in the other room, followed by yelling.

"Sorry, but I have to go check what's happening outside the room. I'll be right back." I said nervously.

I left the desk so I could go open the door and see what was happening. I opened the door and believe me, I did not expect to see what I was seeing.

"DIVINE! What are you doing?!" I shrieked with my eyes opened up wide.

He has his sword out, the edge of the blade close to Angel's neck, Huntress was on the other side of the room with her bow notched with an arrow, ready to fire.


"Well?! Answer me! Wait... What's wrong with your eyes?"

Divine's eyes were glazed over as if he was being controlled. At that moment, I remembered what Chaos told me about End, and the sickness that Divine got.

"You've got to be kidding me."

Sorry for the long delay guys. I'm actually really sorry. I literally didn't update for 6 months. My friend irl told me that he hates it when people don't update their fanfiction for like months and he told me that I should update. Along with my other friend.

Again I'm really sorry.

The next update will probably be coming out next year?? I don't know. I'm just really on a writer's block for my PJO stories I'm sorry to disappoint you guys..  >_<

Your friend,


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