"It's okay buba...it's okay." hoseok said calling his little brother the name that comforted him most when he was sad.

Hoseok forces jungkookie's head on his shoulder and caressed his head. Jungkook sobbed on his shoulder and hugged Hoseok tightly.

"Buba..?" Namjoon said to his son.

"Appa..." Jungkook cried as he ran over to his father and cried like a baby on his shoulder.

Jin and Namjoon held Jungkook like a baby and stroked his hair trying to calm him down...

"We'll find him okay..." Namjoon said caressing Jungkook and Jimin's hair. The boys nodded and hugged each other.

2 weeks later(Jungkook's POV)....

"You are the cause of my euphoria." I sang.

"How beautiful baby..." Jimin smiles as he wipes away his tears.

"I made this song for you and Jungmin..." I said.

"We'll get him okay. I'm not leaving here without my son." Jimin said.

I weakly smiled and nod. But Jiminie doesn't know who we are going against with. He doesn't know my father at all.

He doesn't know that my father tried killing me or tried killing every person I dated. He did everything in his power for me not to be happy.

He used to have woman over at the house to have sex with me when I was 9, specifically when I came out.

I was raped by so many women because of him. He never kicked me out which was the worst part! He tortured me everyday, that's why I ran away from America to Korea when I was 10.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay Jungkook you can go in now..." dad said.

We all got out of the car. Of course I had to make an appearance after not seeing my father for so many years.

 Of course I had to make an appearance after not seeing my father for so many years

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I barged in and as soon as I did, guns were pointed at me. "I see your security has gotten better, huh Ja Min?" I said as I smirked at the body guards.

"Well I was planning for this day to come." I heard Ja Min say.

I waved my hand in a move motion and killed all the guards.

Ja Min gasps and I chuckle. Me and my family walk all the way in and I held Jimin tighter.

"Ja Min-ah! Where is my son?" I yelled at Ja Min.

"YAH! That is no way to talk to your father!" Ja Min yelled.

"Oh yeah, what a father huh!? Shut the fuck up or I'll kill you just like how you killed my best friend!" I yelled.

He gasps.

"You remember that huh!?" I yelled. "Give me my son now!" I yelled.

"Why? I haven't spent time with my grand baby yet." Ja Min smirks.


"If you don't give me back my son I will kill you and feed every bit of you to a pack of wolves you son of a bitch." Jimin yells.

Good job baby...

I thought to Jimin as I smirked.

"And who the hell would you be?" Ja min asked grabbing a glass of wine.

Jimin forces the glass of wine across the room with his power.

"This is the love of my life Jimin. My queen, Park now Jeon Jimin." I smirked.

"M-mr. Park's son?" Ja Man stuttered. "Yes, the man you feared the most who also happens to be destroyed by me. So sad I had to do your job." I smirked.

"Now stop stalling and drinking your little fruity drink and give me my son." I yelled.

Guards tried grabbing Taehyung and mom. "Try me!" Taehyung smirked choking then flashing his dark grey eyes and fangs.

"I dare you." Mom said smirking as he showed his red eyes and fangs while choking him.

Hoseok and Appa killed the guards. Ja Min tried grabbing Jimin till Jimin stopped him by grabbing him by his neck. I pushed Ja Min to the ground by his neck.

"Where is my son? Tell me now. Or I'll kill you." I growled in Ja Min's face.

I dig my claws into his neck making him bleed heavily and groan in pain. "I found him." I heard Jimin yell.

I looked around and saw Jimin carrying my son who had a rope tied around his mouth, neck, eyes and hands. Jung Min was crying. "Mommy..." we heard him cry through the rope.

I was in tears. "Did you really do that to my son? DID YOU REALLY TIE HIM UP LIKE THAT! IM GONNA KILL YOU!!" I yelled at Ja Min's face as tears streamed down.

Jimin took Jungmin and ran to the car along mom, Taehyung, Yoonji and Jae Hwa. Minho, Taehyung, dad and Yoongi stayed with me.

"Jungkook lets go come on." Hoseok said. "No! I'm killing this mother fucker!" I cried choking him even more.

"Do it! I fucking hate you! I always have and I always will! I hate you and your brother!! You guys were never my sons." He said.

"Is that supposed to hurt me!? I've always thought you hated us so I don't care. I don't need you! I have a father that actually does care about me and will do anything for me so FUCK YOU!!!" I yelled in my faces making my grip tighter and tighter and tighter.

I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him.

He takes it away from me and aims it on his head. "I hate myself either way so I don't care. Fuck you Jungkook. You've never been my son." He said then pulling the trigger. He killed himself.

I got down on my knees and sobbed tears of joy yet sadness. Me and Ja min could've had a good relationship but we didn't, but even if we did, I wouldn't end up with the beautiful I have now.

"Why are you crying baby?" Dad asked kneeling down to my level and hugging me. "Cause I got my son back..." I cried then smiled. "I have my son now after 2 long weeks that felt like decades..." I cried. "Thank you for being such a great father." I sobbed as I held my dad. He hugs me back and kisses my forehead.

"Let's go baby." Dad smiles as we pulled away.

I got up and walked out of the Mansion. As I walked out Jimin was standing there holding our son. I silently cried even more and ran over to them.

"Daddy..." my son cried as I held him. I kissed his forehead and hugged him. "It's okay baby....it's okay." I said trying not to scare him. "You're safe now. You're with mommy and daddy now." I said. I kissed his cheek and held Jimin's hand. "Where would you wanna go right now?" I asked.

"Universal Studios!" Jungmin smiles. And that's where we went. I took my son to Universal Studios and he had the best of time.

"I love you my beautiful husband." Jimin said wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I love you too my beautiful queen." I said as I held Jimin by his waist. He kissed me and I kissed back passionately.

"Ewwww!!" We heard Jungmin laugh.

We pulled away and laugh as we held our world in our arms. "We love you Uli Segye...(our world in Korean)." Me and Jimin said as we kissed his forehead.

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