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I was stuck.

Lost in a trance.

The beautiful mysterious dark blue eyes, stared right into my own, studying me closely.

Drawing me in.


I felt frozen to the core. I knew that wasn't just the snowy weather in my part of the forest. My mind and body didn't know how to react the same. It was almost as if they were fighting for different things. My head was filled with many unanswered questions and emotions which had begun to overwhelm me telling me to run. My heart told me to stay.

To learn.

But you have to focus...

Those eyes were memorising. If you stared long enough, you could get lost in them, falling into a deep hole, suffocating. Fear and anger filled my veins. I will not lose control... I continued to stand there, almost as if I was in a trance. I couldn't comprehend what was happening until the eyes blinked back at me, allowing me to move. Giving me time to react quick.

They spoke effortlessly, almost as if they had all the time and power in the world.

I felt drawn in.

It felt as if the everything around me stopped. It may have only been seconds but to me felt like an eternity. Pulling myself away and turning to run, I heard a voice call.

"Who are you?" The voice had questioned. They spoke like an alpha. There was so much power and deepness in their voice. It was like a melody to my ears.

"Why are you on dangerous territory? Don't you know the rules? No one is to enter the Oasis. Bad things happen." The voice warned, speaking with authority.

Bad things happen to those who trespass and I my friend, can't trespass on my own territory.

I wanted to say, but knew instead that I couldn't stay there any longer. The person who stood before me could easily go tell the others considering they were standing in The Meara's territory and looked to be part of that tribe.

Their hair was dark. Their skin tan from the heat of the sun. They were tall. As tall as a half grown oak tree.

Their land was much different from mine.

Running out of options, I followed my instinct to flee quickly. I forced my feet to move. Spinning around I took off, running as fast as I could, only hearing a faint voice shout 'wait!' as I continued to run away. The further I was from the person with the pearcing blue eyes, the better.

I felt dizzy. I couldn't think clearly as too many thoughts overwhelmed me once again.

What if they tell their pack and end up trying to hunt me down?

What if they may follow me?

Will they know who I really am?

Will they dare to cross my territory?

My feet started to grow sore from all the running on the sharp branches. I gradually had slowed my run to a well paced jog, helping to catch at least some of my breath. I hoped that the Meara wolf didn't follow. My only wish is that they would forget this encounter and not tell their alpha.

I hadn't realised how close I was to home until I spotted the river from a distance. Sensing I was in the clear I slowed my pace once again to a walk.

I kept my eyes opened and alert for anything unusually different around me. I studied the forest my whole life. I knew every detail. I could spot things from every branch to every rock that sat in my own territory. If anything was out of place, my concern and uncertainty would arise. Nobody could hide easily here in the snow as well as I could.

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