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"Here!" Thomas strode up to me slowly, holding what seemed to be clothing in his hands.

"What is this?"

"Just so you blend in better here, you may stand out a lot wearing your white clothing.

Looking down at my appearance, I took note on how he was right. I stuck out like a sore thumb in my white clothing and polar fur cloak. In the Oasis I only wore white to blend in more with the forest.

It always made it easier for people not to spot me from the boarders if I blended in to the snow. It was also helpful when out hunting for food. The little beasts wouldn't notice me until it was too late.

Looking at the clothes in Thomas' hands, they were a mixture of colours I've never before wore.

There were a pair of black shorts with a green t-shirt. The green of the shirt matched the flowing vibrant leaves of the trees surrounding the Meara woods.

Taking the clothes as they were held out to me, I started to strip down and change. Thomas and his men all turned away for the few minutes I needed. Giving me enough time to change in privacy.

Stripping off my own clothes, I neatly folded them and set them by my feet before picking up the black shorts, I didn't think twice before sliding them on. Happy with how they had fit, I reached to pick up the shirt only to notice it was very soft in my hands. As soft as cotton.

Pulling it over my torso, it fit perfectly. I couldn't get over how comfortable it was to wear. It truely amazed me. Before this moment I had never worn something so comfortable.

With a sigh of satisfaction, I had cleared my throat to let the men know I was decent before they finally turned back once again to face me.

"Perfect. You'll blend right in!" Thomas said enthusiastically.

My hair had already been pulled back in two long braids falling down my back. I was thankful for this because at this point I was already starting to sweat with how hot it was.

I wasn't used to the hot temperature. It made sense always being in the snow. My body was used to the cold. This heat was refreshing. It felt wonderful to experience this. I felt fascinated with everything I've experienced so far and yet I had only been across the boarder for five minutes.

No matter how much I was enjoying this though, I knew I had a limited time before I needed to go back.

Almost knowing what I was thinking, Thomas piped up once again.

"I'll show u to the hospital where Elenor is."


Walking for fifteen minutes, Thomas lead me through the forest to a clearing where the sight before me almost made my heart stop.

Ahead of us stood a small old style town. The sight before me was truely beautiful. I stopped for a second to take it all in, mesmerised my the beauty that stood before me.

"Are you coming?" Thomas called out ahead of me.

Shaking myself out of my trance I sped up to catch up to him, falling in step by his side as we entered the beautiful town of the Meara pack.

The ground beneath us was no longer a dirt path upon entering the town. The dirt faded as cobblestone covered the beautiful streets of this place.

There were stone walls higher than me that surrounded the entire town, with openings all over for the Meara pack members to leave and enter from this town to the forest surrounding it.

The buildings were also made from stone, with window shutters and doors all different colours which made the town more vibrant.

In the center of the town a beautiful fountain stood tall, with lots of stalls around with people selling many different things from clothes to fruit to souvenirs.

The pack members all seemed to be in their own little world as men and women worked or shopped and young children skipped around in joy and laughter.

It was so different than what I was used to. It was loud as many voices could be heard all at once and music on the street played by buskers with instruments.

I never in my life thought I would or could experience something like this.

Walking past so many people I took note of how every person greeted Thomas out of respect. It was a sight for sore eyes seeing those people happy to be here.

Thomas had been right before about changing my clothes. Every person here wore different colours. From pink dresses to blue jeans and purple shirts. The place was like a rainbow. I really would have looked odd wearing all white clothing here.

A small detail in this town that I noticed was the very few individuals who had hair as white as mine. Walking from one side of the town to the other, only three individuals had the same white as snow hair and pale skin. Just like me. It was strange.

"This is a shortcut." Thomas announced as we entered an alleyway leading to a back street.

Continuing down the back street for another ten minutes we finally reached the hospital on the far end of town.

This building was very different from the town. Instead of the stoned walls every building had, the hospital stood tall with red brick walls.

It towered over and was five stories high. Each window had beautiful green shutters which gave the building a unique touch. Walking up to the front entrance, the opened doors were made from oak wood, carved with magnificent drawings and symbols. It was an alluring sight to see.

Walking through, Thomas led us up to a large desk on the left.

"I'm looking for Elenor. What room is she in?" Thomas spoke to an elder man sitting behind the desk.

The man started typing on what I assumed was a computer getting straight to it. I kind of liked this guy. He didn't seem to beat around the bush. I looked at a little plate which sat on the left side of his shirt.

Brian. Huh.

"Sabine and Elenor are in room twelve C, Alpha."

"Thank you Brian."

"Have a good day sir... and ma'am." Brian looked at me.

With a small nod in acknowledgment, I spun on my feet and fell back in line with Thomas. Heading towards two sliding doors, it had led us into a..

Small. Tin. Box?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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