Yang: couldn't you just use them to crouch in the air. Those things seem pretty strong?

Jade: ehh, probably.

After a few minutes of nothing Yang gets a call on her scroll and Jade gets one in his visor.

Jade: yeah?

Sun: HEEEELLLLPPP! Big robot! Like really big! Roman torchwick is inside! It didn't eat him, it's like he's controlling it! But we need help!

Yang: where are you guys?

They all turn back to see them run past with the mech on their tail.

Jade: I think their that way. I'm gonna be doing a lot of running if this goes to a highway. Ooh! Wait!

Using his super hard soles he comes up with the plan for the bike to drive with him using a line to move with the bike.

Yang: are you sure this is gonna work?

Jade: nope! Just go!

She shrugged and starts driving.


jade: oh I'm terrified! This was a horrible plan! I should have just brought my bike! I need to do some Batman stuff with that damn thing! Have it somehow drive to me with an A.I in it!

Yang: we need to slow it down!

Jade: fuck it I'm running!

He activated the arms and pulls himself forward. He essentially threw himself and starts jumping off cars. He got in front of the mech and was now being chased by it.

Jade: oh I hate this so much!

Blake: just keep running!

Jade: gotcha boss lady!

Blake and Jade jump onto a car and turn to see Sun and Neptune crash into each other and fall off the side of the road.

Jade: okay two down and we're still gonna win! Do it, Weiss!

He grabs Blake and shot a web to the highway above. Weiss jumps off and creates a thick sheet of ice that makes that mech fall off the highway. They jump down and join Weiss.

Blake: how are we getting down there?

Jade: like this!

He grabs both of them and doesn't listen to their protest as he jumps off the side of the highway.


They get down and land next to Ruby who was staring down the mech.

Weiss: I hate you! So much right now!

Blake: that was crazy!

Jade: thank me later!

He gets into a crouching fighting position and his spider arms come out.

Jade: ready!

Ruby: of course!

The mech approached them, Jade and Ruby, rapidly come up with plans.

Jade/Ruby: freezer burn!

He teleports into the air and Yang jumped up as well.

Jade: you come here often?

Yang: funny! But not the time!

Weiss creates the sheet of ice and both crash down making a thick mist. Jade switched to infrared and shot webs at all of the lasers to blind Roman.

They all dash around in the mist until Jade and Yang meet. Using some type of weird ass plan they somehow threw each other at the mech. Yang punches an arm clean off while Jade is on the back looking for a weakness. He can't seem to find anything so his arms start jabbing holes into the mech while he throws explosive punches.

Jade: take this! And that! And this! HAAAAA!

Weiss: is he really going to solo this thing!

Jade: damn right!

The mech shot back and slams up against a pillar. It makes its other gun into an arm and punched him right through the pillar. He was quick to recover and web slings back over to his friends.

Ruby: you okay!

Jade: mostly! My aura is almost gone.

He takes all of the roses from the battlefield and swirls them around his team.

Blake: missiles!

About ten rockets are shot out the mech but once they made contact with the rose wall they were cut to shreds.

Yang: what are we doing?

Jade: uhh...

Ruby: Black Rose!

Only guessing what that means Jade and Blake use each other. He shoots a web line onto her arm and she begins swinging him.

Ruby: Yang! Weiss! We need to Get rid of those legs. For Jade and Blake to do their thing!

Jade: please hurry! I'm getting dizzy! Ruby! Ice flower!

Weiss and Ruby stand next to each other and she makes three white glyphs in front of crescent rose. She begins firing and every bullet she shot turned a part of the mech into ice.

The mechs legs were frozen solid.

Jade: I'm gonna throw up after this...Weiss give Yang a boost! We're taking this guy down.

With one last shot from his gauntlet, he gets thrown by Blake towards the mech. Yang joins him and they both were about to destroy this thing.

Yang: you come here often?

They both throw their punch and fly straight through the mech destroying it. He realized that they were not slowing down and he grabs Yang and activated his arms. They both fall into a roll but the arms had them covered and neither of them actually touched the ground.

He let's go and they can see Roman dusting himself facing the others.

Jade: ready!

Yang: yeah!

The chamber cycles and Jade throws Yang at Roman only for him to shatter like glass.


He had to yell to them because of the distance.

He shoots a web at the road above them and with this only web like he does a flip off it and lands next to his friends.

Yang: I don't know.

They both look up to see Roman tilting his hat at them from a ship as they fly away. There was a girl standing next to him who was spinning an umbrella while smiling at Jade. He went to shoot a tracker at them but forgot to put new ones in, such bad luck.

Jade: damn it!

He punched the ground as this is the sixth time Roman had gotten away from him.

Jade: out of all the villains I've fought the one in a hat gets away.

Weiss: I guess that girl really made our plans...fall apart!

He looks up and his mask receded into the neckline.

Jade: I love you but please, refrain from the jokes.

Weiss: but! But Yang does it!

Jade: Yang is actually funny sometimes.

Yang: hey! I'm funny all the time!

Blake had already walked away and Yang was leaving now.

Ruby: wait where's Sun and Neptune?

Jade: it doesn't matter.

He shrugged and began web swinging away.

End of chapter 4 volume 2

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