Chapter Twelve

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The Cult

Chapter Twelve

Jacob's Point of View

Katina, Nicola, and I were standing in Nicola's office, looking at all of the online reporting of the compound explosion.

"Adalyn was there." I said.

"We know. I wonder if she has anything to do with this." Nicola wondered out loud.

"I honestly wouldn't be surprised," I said as Katina looked at her dress.

"I hope everything will be okay." She said.

Nicola turned to his bride and put his hands on her shoulders. "We were almost there. Okay? We are almost husband and wife. Okay, honey? And as long as I'm with you, everything is alright and everything is perfect."

I smiled and the couple kissed.

"Do you suppose that Adalyn will be here soon?" I asked. "Considering she's not dead, of course."

"Well, I've heard that this group possesses supernatural powers. If they really do and if they can fly, then she should be here soon." Nicola responded.

"I hope so. I really want to know if she's okay and if she's free from the cult." I said.


Adalyn's Point of View

I flew across the land masses and oceans of the world with the others flying closely behind.

Soon, I told them to follow me down to the surface of the Earth. Once we made it back down, we gathered around a small area and looked at the sky.

"Is everyone here? We need to run over some final plans." I asked as everyone looked around and began to nod.

I watched as Kody flew down and landed next to Josh. "Sorry, I got confused."

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Anyway, we need to discuss final plans. So, I'm assuming all of us want to go to Macedonia to continue the initial plan with Jacob and I. Yeah?"

Everyone nodded and looked at me.

"Okay. How many of you hail from The Federation?" I asked.

Kody and Jackson raised their hands.

"Okay, let's not worry about changing your names, then. Well, for now. So, where do the rest of you come from?"

Josh responded first. "I'm from Russia."

"Okay. Cole?"

"I'm from Bosnia-Herzegovina."

I nodded. "Brian?"

"I'm from Rwanda."

I took a harsh breath. "Ooh, I can see why you left."

He nodded. "There were recruiters there next to the groups of Hutu. It was either death to all governments, or death to one. I went with death to all, as death to all governments included death to the Rwandan government.

"It was my teenage mind talking. My mother was killed and my father just left one day and never came back. My brother went to one of the Hutu groups and I went with the Dynasty recruiter. There was nowhere else for us to go minus an orphanage or a grand escape to a better country nearby on foot.

"I was promoted several times and then I found myself at the main compound on an island paradise. It was honestly so beautiful, I wish you could have seen more of it. But, what's done is done and now we must finish what we started. I have heard how terrible the Federation is and I believe we can end all conflict by peaceful ways. I did not see that until you came along and I overheard your plan with Josh.

"I was inspired and I felt that I could ask you to help me end the conflict in my home country. I hate to ask you this now, knowing that you come from The Federation, but, please, I plead with you, will you help me free Rwanda?"

I nodded. "Of course. I bet all of us, including my father, Jacob, would love to help. In fact, I bet he would love to welcome you all to our family as one. We can plan and work together. We would run the world and we could do whatever we wanted. The diplomats we meet along the way will help us."

He beamed. "Oh, thank you, Miss James! You are a true hero!"

I felt my cheeks turn red and I smiled. "Oh, you all are heroes in my book now. You all helped me free us from this travesty of a cult. We have freedom thanks to you. But, now we need to figure out what to do with your names. We don't want your home governments finding you, so we need to change your names, last or first, maybe even both, to protect yourselves from death and your own governments. Now, I think Brian can keep his name, because the Rwandan government is in shambles, so I doubt they'll come looking for you."

Brian nodded.

"However, I think we should change Josh, Jackson, Kody, and Cole's names. You all's home countries are too close for comfort from Macedonia. We can't allow for them to find and take you away. What I've learned from running is that no matter how far you are from your potential captors, you are never safe anywhere. Anyone who wants to find you can and will find you, so you have to be careful when we fight and plan." I explained.

They all nodded and looked at the bag that was on my back.

"Well, are we going to permanently change our names or are we just going to have nicknames until we find ourselves far enough from our home country to use our given names again?" Jackson asked.

I thought for a moment. "Well, it depends on if the country we are in has some type of alliance with the country we are residing in at the present time. So, if, let's say one of us was from Great Britain and we are in America. The person they are looking for would be given to the requested country and then we could either devise a plan to go into harm's way and possibly lose a country with skilled diplomats to save our team member. This is why I'm so concerned about this. We can take as many risks as we want, but we can't take risks that could cost us the entire mission or a major part of the mission."

They all nodded in agreement. They really understand all of this and I'm so happy about this.

"Okay, so let's try not to keep the same initials, so if you were Cari Ainsley Duffy, you wouldn't change your name to Cassie Annabeth Dubois. They could easily search the database of initials and see if that name exists in their country and if no variant of that name exists, which would be surprising, but then you would be stuck in federal prison for who knows how long?"

They nodded and we quickly came up with new names and finished the journey to Macedonia. 

The Cultजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें