Chapter One

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The Cult

Chapter One

"Adalyn, how's the search going?"

Jacob, my wonderful father was sitting on the other side of our small studio apartment in Skopje, Macedonia as we were eyeing ways to make Great Britain by Tuesday.

"I think we can get a flight to Great Britain tomorrow." I eyed the brown boxes stacked on each other as Scout, our little husky puppy, came prancing into the room.

I picked him up after he pawed at my legs. "You're getting big, bud."

He put his head on my shoulder and someone knocked on the door.

Scout began to bark as Jacob stood to get the door as I calmed Scout.

"Hello." Jacob said as he opened the door.

However, there was no one in the hallway. Jacob looked around and noticed that our small mailbox for letters had been disturbed.

He made a face and took a small, white envelope out of the black, metal box nailed to the wall.

"Hm. I thought we changed our address to our new apartment in London." Jacob said as he walked me over to one of the remaining armchairs.

The sound of the envelope being opened filled the room as I put Scout on the floor so he could do whatever small husky puppies do.

Jacob made a face. "It's from The Federation."

"What?" I asked. The Federation was the society we ran from.

I was named a rebel by the government there, so Jacob, Scout, my mother, Marrie, and myself ran off to Macedonia for safety. However, Marrie was killed in one of the locations and now it was just Jacob and myself, along with Scout.

While we had the Macedonian government on our side, they could easily be overthrown.

Of course, we wanted to overthrow The Federation.

They knew that I was dangerous to society. Their society, at least.

Which is dangerous on its own part.

They murder people for currency. Bones are currency.

Human bone.

There is no death in that society, only new currency. That's their only wish.


It is a rather backwards concept (for lack of a better term), especially for 2158. But, we intend to put it to a stop.

My real family was stolen from me and now I need to do something about it.

I was adopted my Jacob and Marrie because my mom turned herself in for neglect, my father is dead, and my brother was declared a rebel and taken away. He is probably dead as well.

So, with literally all of my family gone because of the government, I need to do something about it. They almost killed me too.

"What do they want?" I asked frantically.

Jacob sighed. "We need to leave. Now."

"What?" I said.

"Grab your stuff. We're catching a cab and hightailing it to the ferry." Jacob said as he looked around.

I picked up Scout and looked around. "But what about the people who are supposed to come to pack up the rest of our stuff?"

"They'll still come and ship it off. We just need to make the Federation lose their trail on us." Jacob said as he grabbed a rolling suitcase.

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