Chapter 6: Pull my Devil Trigger

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Author's POV

Lady: "Hey Y/n, I have a job for you."

Y/n: "Wait, you gave me, a job? Is the world coming to an end?"

Lady: "No dumbass. I just can't handle this, and besides it's related to your school. So you handle it."

Y/n: "Alrighty then. What's the job?"

Lady: "The job is to kill a so called 'Fallen Angel' named 'Kokabiel'."

Y/n: "And the price?"

Lady: "It's definitely worth it."

Y/n: "Alright then, where can I find him?"

Lady: "He's at the old abandon church in town."

Y/n: "Alright, I'll be going then."

Y/n left the shop while Lady went to pay the shop's bill.

Time Skip brought to you by Y/n, happily killing all the stray Fallen Angels.

Rias' POV

We just found Irina unconscious with many bruises on her. Right now, we're heading back to the school to fight Kokabiel.

Sona: "Rias, me and the other Student Council will create a barrier around the school while you deal with Kokabiel."

Rias: "Alright Sona, we appreciate it."

Sona: "You should call your brother Rias, you know that we're dealing with a Leader Class type Fallen Angel."

Rias: "Then why don't you call your Sister here? I'm sure she will come to your aid."

Akeno: "There's no need too. I already called Lord Sirzechs, he will be here in an hour."

Rias: "Akeno! Why would you call my Brother without my permission?!"

Akeno: "Rias, we can't handle Kokabiel he's out of our league. All we can do now is to wait for your Brother."

Rias: "I always hate it when your right."

Akeno: *Giggle*

Rias: "Alright everyone, we'll just have to hold him until my Brother gets here."

Everyone: "Right!"

Sona: "Tsubaki, everyone else, follow me. Rias, Good Luck."

I nodded at her while she and her Peerage created a barrier around.

Rias: "Alright everyone, let's go."

We made our way to the open field behind the main school building. We saw Kokabiel sitting on his floating throne and Valper is trying to merge all the Excalibur.

Kokabiel: "So Gremory, is your Brother coming? Or is it Serafall?"

Rias: "You will be dealing with us!"

Kokabiel: "So your Brother it is. I guess all of you could provide an entertainment while I wait. You can play with my pets."

He summons a light spear on his hand and throw it in the gym and it exploded.

Issei: "The Gym!"

When the smoke clears, we saw a two giant three-headed dog.

Issei: "What the heck is that?!"

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